Graduate Program in Engineering Mechanics (2025)

One Program, Many Applications

The Engineering Mechanics (EM) program is strongly rooted in physics and mathematics, the basis of all mechanical sciences, and provides unique, interdisciplinary opportunities for research on design projects with far-reaching impact.

We offer aPh.Din engineering mechanics as well as a Master's of Science (M.S.) degree with athesis optionandanon-thesis option.


Ph.D. Areas of Study

For our engineering mechanics doctoral students, BEAM offers concentrations in the following areas:

  • Biomechanics
  • Dynamics, control, and vibrations
  • Fluid mechanics
  • Solid mechanics

Each graduate student selects an area of interest and designs a program of study in consultation with a graduate committee.

Ph.D. Requirements

Students must earn a minimum of 90 credit hours beyond the bachelor’s degree. A master’s degree is not required for admission to the program.

Core Courses

  • ESM 5014: Intro to Continuum Mechanics (three credits)
  • ESM 5314: Intermediate Dynamics (three credits)
  • ESM 5024: Intro to Solid Mechanics (three credits)
  • ESM 5054: Intro to Fluid Mechanics (three credits)
  • ESM 5004: Scientific Communication in Engineering Mechanics (two credits)

Math Courses

  • MATH 5000-6000 level courses (See Graduate Manualfor approved courses) (three credits)

ESM Courses

  • Additional ESM coursework, ESM 5000-6000 level courses (SeeGraduate Manualfor approved courses) (six credits)

Additional Coursework

  • 5000-6000 level courses supporting area of Ph.D. research (12 credits)


  • ESM 5944 (minimum of four, one-credit hour seminars) (four credits)

Program-specific credits from above: 39 hours

Additional coursework

  • Agreed upon by student and advisory committee: 21 hours

Dissertation Research

  • ESM 7994 (Research/Thesis) (30 hours)

Minimum total credits: 90


  • No more than three credits of 4xxx-level coursework can be counted toward the required minimum 34 credits of coursework.
  • No more than three credits of Independent Study (5974 or 6974) can be counted toward the required minimum 34 credits of coursework.
  • A maximum of 15 credits of transfer coursework can be counted toward the required minimum of 34 credits of coursework.

Additional Requirements

  • Attend orientation in August. Information will be shared upon your admission to the program.
  • Satisfy the scholarly ethics and integrity requirement
  • Submit the plan of study
  • Pass qualifying exam (students can be exempted from this exam based on their performance in core courses)
  • Pass preliminary exam
  • Pass
  • final defense

M.S. Thesis Option

Students pursuing the M.S. thesis degree option must complete at least 30 credit hours, including at least 21 graded course credit hours, and satisfactorily prepare and defend a thesis. The final transcript will designate the degree as the thesis option.

Plan of Study

The M.S. thesis option plan of study must include at least 30 credit hours that satisfy the following requirements:

  • ESM 5994 Research and Thesis (at least six credits)
  • ESM 5014 Introduction to Continuum Mechanics (three credits)
  • Two ESM 5xxx/6xxx courses in two of the following areas:
    • Dynamics (three credits)
    • Solid mechanics (three credits)
    • Fluid mechanics (three credits)
  • One course satisfying the mathematics requirement (three credits)
  • Graded elective courses (at least nine credits)

M.S. students must register for 2 semesters of ESM 5944 Seminar. These credits do not count toward the 30 required credit hours but are required for program completion.

The M.S. plan of study may contain a combination of 5xxx and 6xxx-level courses and a maximum of six hours of approved 4xxx-level courses.

  • A minimum of 12 course credits must be labeled ESM (not including 5944 or 5994).

Final Examination

All M.S. students must pass an oral examination upon completion of the degree requirements. Administered by the student’s advisory committee, the examination is expected to cover all mechanics course work as well as the research completed by the student.

See theEngineering Mechanics Graduate Manualfor more detailed information.


The thesis should be a scholarly discourse on a topic approved by the student’s advisory committee. Detailed guidelines for publication of theses are specified in theGraduate Catalog.

M.S. Non-thesis option

Students pursuing the M.S. non-thesis degree option must complete at least 30 graded course credit hours and satisfactorily pass a comprehensive oral examination. The final transcript will designate the degree as a non-thesis degree.

Plan of Study

The M.S. non-thesis option plan of study must include at least 30 credit hours that satisfy the following requirements:

  • ESM 5014 Introduction to Continuum Mechanics (three credits)
  • Two ESM 5xxx/6xxx courses in two of the following areas:
    • Dynamics (three credits)
    • Solid mechanics (three credits)
    • Fluid mechanics (three credits)
  • One course satisfying the mathematics requirement (three credits)
  • Graded elective courses (at least 18 credits)

M.S. students must register for 2 semesters of ESM 5944 Seminar. These credits do not count toward the 30 required credit hours but are required for program completion.

The M.S. plan of study may contain a combination of 5xxx and 6xxx-level courses and a maximum of six hours of approved 4xxx-level courses.

  • A minimum of 12 course credits must be labeled ESM (not including 5944 or 5994).
  • A maximum of nine credit hours of independent study (IS) or special study (SS) courses can be used to complete the plan of study, with the total for both IS and SS courses not exceeding nine hours.

Final Examination

All M.S. students must pass an oral examination upon completion of the degree requirements. Administered by the student’s advisory committee, the examination is expected to cover all mechanics course work as well as the project completed by the student.

See theEngineering Mechanics Graduate Manualfor more detailed information.

The EM program supports extensive and robust research activities in a number of distinct areas. The four core research areas of our program are biomechanics, dynamics and control, fluid mechanics, and solid mechanics.

EM Info Sessions

The EM information sessions provide an overview of the Engineering Mechanics program, Virginia Tech's Graduate School, and the application process. Each session is from 10:00-11:00 am (Eastern Standard Time) and hosted via Zoom by Engineering Mechanics’ Graduate Program Coordinator, Renee Cloyd (

Multiple sessions are available.Registration is required.

EM Graduate Manual

The EM graduate manual provides a detailed description of current policies and processes for all EM graduate degrees.

EM section in VT Graduate Catalog

The EM specific section of the VT Graduate Catalog summarizes program Information, lists all active EM faculty, gives brief overviews of many EM research labs and provides descriptions of ESM labeled graduate level coursework.

VT Graduate Catalog

The EM graduate manual is intended to supplement, not replace, the policies and procedures in the Virginia Tech Graduate Catalog.

EM Graduate Admissions

EM Graduate Financial Support

EM Forms

Graduate Program in Engineering Mechanics (2025)


Is a graduate degree in mechanical engineering worth it? ›

And according to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, earning a master's degree is one of the best ways for mechanical engineers to make more money. In addition to boosting pay, holding a master's degree can increase your job opportunities and qualify you to manage projects that make a difference in the world.

What GPA do you need for mechanical engineering grad school? ›

For information about the minimum levels of math and physics needed to pursue graduate studies in mechanical engineering, see requirements to register. A 3.00 or higher third- and fourth-year grade point average. Most successful applicants have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher.

What is MA in engineering mechanics? ›

As a master's student in our traditional engineering mechanics major, you'll gain additional understanding of several areas within the mechanics of materials and astronautics—among them, continuum mechanics, computational mechanics, dynamics and vibration, fluid mechanics, nanomechanics, solid mechanics, and ...

Do mechanical engineers need a masters degree? ›

A bachelor's degree is required for entry-level mechanical engineering positions, however those seeking to advance in the profession typically find it beneficial or even essential to earn their master's degree in mechanical engineering.

Do engineers with masters get paid more? ›

Engineers tend to make a lot of money.

Sure, there's a lot of variation in pay scales, but engineering salaries are overwhelmingly respectable. And engineering master's salaries are even better. According to Forbes, those with graduate degrees earn around 20% more than those without… and that's across any discipline.

Do mechanical engineers make a lot of money? ›

Compared to other fields, the salary amount earned by mechanical engineers is above average throughout each stage of their careers. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the mean salary for a mechanical engineer is $105,220, with the top 10 percent earning close to $157,470.

What GPA do most engineers graduate with? ›

1. **Undergraduate Level:** For most engineering careers, having a GPA in the range of 3.0 to 3.5 or higher is considered good. This range is competitive enough to be considered for many entry-level engineering positions. 2.

Can you get into grad school with a 2.3 GPA? ›

Many grad programs call for a minimum 3.0 undergraduate GPA. However, some programs may admit you with a 2.5 or even 2.0 GPA. Online graduate programs with low GPA requirements allow you to continue your education even if you didn't do great in undergrad.

How long does it take to get a Masters in mechanical engineering? ›

Students usually take about two years to complete their master's in mechanical engineering.

What is a Masters in mechanical engineering called? ›

The Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (MSME) degree is intended for students with undergraduate degrees in mechanical engineering or a closely related field.

How long is MIT mechanical engineering Masters? ›

The Master of Engineering in Advanced Manufacturing and Design ( is a 12-month professional degree in mechanical engineering that is intended to prepare the student to assume a role of technical leadership in the manufacturing industries.

Which engineering has the highest salary? ›

In terms of median pay and growth potential, these are the 10 highest paying engineering jobs to consider.
  • Systems Engineer. ...
  • Electrical Engineer. ...
  • Chemical Engineer. ...
  • Big Data Engineer. ...
  • Nuclear Engineer. ...
  • Aerospace Engineer. ...
  • Computer Hardware Engineer. ...
  • Petroleum Engineer.
Mar 24, 2024

What is the best master's degree for mechanical engineering? ›

20 Mechanical Engineering Master's in India
  • Mechanical Systems Design. ...
  • Mechanical Engineering. ...
  • Mechanical with specialization in Cyber Physical Systems. ...
  • Mechanical Engineering. ...
  • Cryogenic and Vacuum Technology. ...
  • Thermal Engineering.

Is a Masters in mechanical engineering difficult? ›

Completing a Master's in Mechanical Engineering requires dedication and hard work, as there are numerous challenges to be faced. Exam preparation and time management are the two main challenges that a student may face.

What is the benefit of a masters in mechanical engineering? ›

A master's degree in mechanical engineering can allow working professionals to develop and deepen their mechanical engineering skills and knowledge in a range of disciplines that include aerospace, automotive, biomedical, automation, and fluid mechanics.

What percent of mechanical engineers get a masters? ›

Types of Mechanical Engineering Degrees
Level of EducationPercentage of Workers
Master's Degree18.8%
Doctoral Degree8.2%
Associate's Degree (or other 2-year degree)3.3%
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate3.1%
1 more row

Is it worth doing a master's in engineering? ›

A Master's Degree Unlocks Higher Earning Potential and Career Advancement. Engineering is a dynamic, growing specialty, and entry-level wages can be competitive even for those with just a bachelor's degree. Getting a master's degree, however, can significantly increase your earning potential.

What is the success rate of mechanical engineering graduates? ›

For the last five years, many mechanical engineering undergraduates arrive at graduation with a job lined up. In the class of 2017, within a year of graduation, close to 95% percent were employed or in graduate school and about 91 percent are employed in their field of study.

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