Labour market overview, UK - Office for National Statistics (2025)

1. Other pages in this release

  • Average weekly earnings in Great Britain

  • Earnings and employment from Pay As You Earn Real Time Information, UK

  • Employment in the UK

  • Labour market in the regions of the UK

  • Vacancies and jobs in the UK

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2. Main points

Trends and considerations around comparisons

This month's labour market figures show that the number of vacancies is continuing to fall, although these are still 11.0% higher than in January to March 2020. The unemployment rate is slightly below that of a year ago, while there was a modest increase in both the total number of people in employment and the number of payrolled employeesin the latest quarter. Our Annual growth rate comparisons dataset, which includes comparisons of HM Revenue and Customs Pay As You Earn (PAYE) Real Time Information (RTI), and Labour Force Survey (LFS) estimates, sets out the annual growth rates for these measures in recent periods and suggests a more subdued picture, with the number of employed people lower than a year ago while growth in payrolled employees has slowed over the year.

There has been a slight slowing in the annual growth in regular earnings in the three months to June 2024 to 5.4%, although this remains relatively strong. Total earnings growth has dropped sharply over the same period because of last year's NHS one-off bonus payments.

Latest data

Estimates for payrolled employees in the UK increased by 14,000 (0.0%) between May and June 2024, and rose by 227,000 (0.8%) between June 2023 and June 2024.

The early estimate of payrolled employees for July 2024 increased by 24,000 (0.1%) on the month and increased by 252,000 (0.8%) on the year, to 30.4 million. The July 2024 estimate should be treated as a provisional estimate and is likely to be revised when more data are received next month.

Increased volatility of LFS estimates, resulting from smaller achieved sample sizes, means that estimates of quarterly change should be treated with additional caution. We recommend using them as part of our suite of labour market indicators, alongside Workforce Jobs, Claimant Count data, and PAYE RTI estimates.

The UK employment rate (for people aged 16 to 64 years) was estimated at 74.5% in April to June 2024, below estimates of a year ago, but increased in the latest quarter.

The UK unemployment rate (for people aged 16 years and over) was estimated at 4.2% in April to June 2024, below estimates of a year ago, and decreased in the latest quarter.

The UK economic inactivity rate (for people aged 16 to 64 years) was estimated at 22.2% in April to June 2024, above estimates of a year ago, but largely unchanged in the latest quarter.

The UK Claimant Count for July 2024 increased on the month and on the year, to 1.801 million. Commencing in May 2024, the Department for Work and Pensions are rolling out an increase in the administrative earnings threshold for full work search conditionality. This change is likely to affect around 180,000 claimants over a period of around 6 months, increasing the Claimant Count over that time.

The estimated number of vacancies in the UK decreased in May to July 2024 by 26,000 on the quarter to 884,000. Vacancies decreased on the quarter for the 25th consecutive period but are still above pre-coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic levels.

Annual growth in employees’ average regular earnings (excluding bonuses) in Great Britain was 5.4% in April to June 2024, and annual growth in total earnings (including bonuses) was 4.5%. This total annual growth rate is affected by comparing with a period including June 2023 when the NHS one-off bonuses were paid.

Annual growth in real terms (adjusted for inflation using the Consumer Prices Index including owner occupiers' housing costs (CPIH)) for regular pay was 2.4% in April to June 2024, and for total pay was 1.6%.

There were an estimated 100,000 working days lost because of labour disputes across the UK in June 2024. The majority of the strikes were in the health and social work sector.


This bulletin includes data from business and social surveys, as well as data from administrative sources. It includes a combination of accredited official statistics and official statistics in development and, therefore, we advise the consideration of this when using. Read more in Section 6: Data sources and quality.

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3. Latest indicators at a glance

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4. Data on labour market

Summary of labour market statistics
Dataset A01 | Released 13 August 2024
Labour market statistics summary data table, including earnings, employment, unemployment, redundancies and vacancies, Great Britain and UK, published monthly.

Earnings and employment from Pay As You Earn Real Time Information, seasonally adjusted
Dataset | Released 13 August 2024
Earnings and employment statistics from Pay As You Earn (PAYE) Real Time Information (RTI), seasonally adjusted. These are official statistics in development.

A guide to labour market data
Methodology | Updated 21 April 2023
Summary of labour market datasets, providing estimates of employment, unemployment, average weekly earnings, and the number of vacancies. Tables are listed alphabetically and by topic.

View all related data on our related data page.

Alternatively, Nomis provides free access to the most detailed and up-to-date UK labour market statistics.

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5. Glossary

Average weekly earnings

Average weekly earnings measure money paid by employers to employees in Great Britain before tax and other deductions from pay. The estimates are not just a measure of pay rises, because they also reflect, for example, changes in the overall structure of the workforce.

More high-paid jobs in the economy would have an upward effect on the earnings growth rate.

Economic inactivity

People not in the labour force are not in employment but do not meet the internationally accepted definition of unemployment. This is because they have not been seeking work within the last four weeks or they are unable to start work in the next two weeks. The economic inactivity rate is the proportion of people aged between 16 and 64 years who are not in the labour force. The Labour Force Survey estimates are official statistics in development.


Employment measures the number of people in paid work or who had a job that they were temporarily away from (for example, because they were on holiday or off sick). This differs from the number of jobs because some people have more than one job. The employment rate is the proportion of people aged between 16 and 64 years who are in employment. The Labour Force Survey estimates are official statistics in development.


Unemployment measures people without a job who have been actively seeking work within the last four weeks and are available to start work within the next two weeks. The unemployment rate is not the proportion of the total population who are unemployed. It is the proportion of the economically active population (people in work and those seeking and available to work) who are unemployed. The Labour Force Survey estimates are official statistics in development.

Claimant Count

The Claimant Count is an official statistic in development that measures the number of people who are receiving a benefit principally for the reason of being unemployed. Currently, the Claimant Count consists of those receiving Jobseekers' Allowance and Universal Credit claimants in the "searching for work" conditionality group.


Vacancies are defined as positions for which employers are actively seeking recruits from outside their business or organisation. The estimates are based on the Vacancy Survey. This is a survey of businesses designed to provide estimates of the stock of vacancies across the economy, excluding agriculture, forestry, and fishing (a small sector for which the collection of estimates would not be practical).

Pay As You Earn Real Time Information

These data come from HM Revenue and Customs' (HMRC's) Pay As You Earn (PAYE) Real Time Information (RTI) system. They cover the whole population, rather than a sample of people or companies, and they will allow for more detailed estimates of the population. The PAYE RTI statistics are official statistics in development (previously called experimental statistics) because the methodologies used to produce the statistics are still in their development phase.

In June 2023, the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR) published an assessment report of HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and Office for National Statistics (ONS) statistics on earnings and employment from Pay as You Earn Real Time Information (PAYE RTI). HMRC and the ONS welcome OSR's assessment report and have developed an action plan focusing on the six requirements.

A more detailed glossary is available in our Guide to labour market statistics methodology.

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6. Data sources and quality

The estimates presented in this bulletin contain uncertainty. For more information, see our Uncertainty and how we measure it methodology.

Information on revisions is available in our Labour market statistics revisions policy.

Information on the strengths and limitations of this bulletin is available in our Labour market overview, UK: April 2021 bulletin.

Further information is available in our Guide to labour market statistics methodology.

Official statistics

On 7 June 2024, the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR) introduced the new accredited official statistics badge, to denote official statistics that have been independently reviewed by the OSR. Accredited official statistics comply with the standards of trustworthiness, quality and value in the Code of Practice for Statistics.

This UK labour market bulletin includes a combination of accredited official statistics and official statistics in development (until September 2023, these were called "experimental statistics"). Read more about the change in theGuide to official statistics in development.

The following labour market outputs are accredited official statistics:

  • Average weekly earnings (reviewed by the OSR in December 2014)

  • Labour disputes (rapid review completed by the OSR in February 2023)

  • Office for National Statistics (ONS) vacancy statistics (reviewed by the OSR in April 2022)

  • Workforce Jobs (reviewed by the OSR in April 2022)

The following labour market outputs are official statistics in development:

  • Pay As You Earn (PAYE) Real Time Information (RTI) estimates

  • Labour Force Survey estimates

  • ONS Claimant Count

Labour Force Survey

We have been facing the challenge of falling response rates for household surveys, as have other comparable countries. This issue became more acute in the Labour Force Survey (LFS) data collected for August 2023. The LFS estimates due to be published in October 2023 were suspended because of quality concerns. We developed a comprehensive plan to address these concerns and reintroduce LFS, as described in our Labour Force Survey: planned improvements and its reintroduction estimates methodology.

As stated on 5 February 2024 in our Impact of reweighting on Labour Force Survey key indicators: 2024 article, from 13 February we have reinstated reweighted LFS estimates into our monthly publication. These LFS estimates are official statistics in development.

Reweighting does not address the volatility we have seen in recent periods and which we expect to see to some extent in the future, so we would advise caution when interpreting short-term changes in headline rates and recommend using them as part of our suite of labour market indicators, alongside Workforce Jobs, Claimant Count data and Pay As You Earn (PAYE) Real Time Information (RTI) estimates.

As stated in our article published 18 July 2024, we are planning a further reweighting exercise, based on the population projections published in January 2024. We plan to introduce the reweighted LFS series into our Labour market publication by the end of 2024.

Further information on response rates and other quality-related issues for the LFS can be found in our quarterly Labour Force Survey performance and quality monitoring reports.

Our Comparison of labour market data sources methodology compares data sources and discusses some of the main differences.

Labour market transformation

We have published a Labour market transformation article providing an update on the transformation of labour market statistics.

We welcome your feedback on this latest update and our plans. Please email us at to tell us what you think.


For more information on how labour market data sources were affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, see our Coronavirus and the effects on UK labour market statistics article.

Making our published spreadsheets accessible

Following the Government Statistical Service (GSS) guidance on releasing statistics in spreadsheets, we will be amending our published tables over the coming months to improve usability, accessibility and machine readability of our published statistics. To help users change to the new formats, we will be publishing sample versions of a selection of our tables and, where practical, initially publish the tables in both the new and current formats. If you have any questions or comments, please email us at

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7. Related links

Economic activity and social change in the UK, real-time indicators: 8 August 2024
Bulletin | Released 8 August 2024
Early data on the UK economy and society. These faster indicators are created using rapid response surveys, novel data sources and innovative methods. These are official statistics in development.

Business insights and impact on the UK economy: 1 August 2024
Bulletin | Released 1 August 2024
The impact of challenges facing the economy and other events on UK businesses. Based on responses from the voluntary fortnightly business survey (BICS) to deliver real-time information to help assess issues affecting UK businesses and economy, including financial performance, workforce, trade and business resilience.

Labour market transformation - update on progress and plans: July 2024
Article | Released 18 July 2024
Labour market transformation overview, building on previous engagement on the transformed Labour Force Survey.

Impact of reweighting on Labour Force Survey key indicators: 2024
Article | Released 5 February 2024
Indicative estimates of the Labour Force Survey (LFS) reweighting methodology on key indicators for the UK and countries of the UK, between July to September 2022 and September to November 2023.

Quarterly economic commentary: January to March 2024
Article | Released 28 June 2024
Economic commentary for the latest quarterly national accounts, prices and labour market indicators.

Rising ill-health and economic inactivity because of long-term sickness, UK: 2019 to 2023
Article | Released 26 July 2023
Experimental statistics estimating the different health conditions of the working-age population and those economically inactive because of long-term sickness.

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8. Cite this statistical bulletin

Office for National Statistics (ONS), released 13 August 2024, ONS website, statistical bulletin,Labour market overview, UK: August 2024

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Labour market overview, UK
 - Office for National Statistics (2025)


What are the labour statistics in the UK? ›

In April to June 2024, the number of people aged 16+ in employment was 33.09 million, and the employment rate for people aged 16-64 was 74.5%. Employment levels fell by around 69,000 over the last year, and the employment rate fell. The UK unemployment rate was 4.2%, and 1.44 million people aged 16+ were unemployed.

Where can I find local labour market information? ›

National Careers Service (local)

If you're looking for job market information by region, then the National Careers Service website is really useful. Using their interactive map, simply click on the area that you'd like to find out about and you'll be presented with lots of information about the local labour market.

What is the UK equivalent of the Bureau of labor statistics? ›

Nomis is a service provided by Office for National Statistics (ONS), the UK's largest independent producer of official statistics. On this website, we publish statistics related to population, society and the labour market at national, regional and local levels. These include data from current and previous censuses.

What is labour market information UK? ›

Labour Market Information (LMI) is information about what is happening in a labour market. LMI tends to focus on the industries that are growing and declining. It provides information about the types and levels of jobs and the skills required and whether they are increasing or decreasing.

What is the labor market outlook in the UK? ›

Trends and considerations around comparisons.

This month's figures continue to show signs that the labour market may be cooling, with the number of vacancies still falling and unemployment rising, though earnings growth remains relatively strong. Short-term movements varied across our different measures of employment.

What is the job market situation in the UK? ›

The United Kingdom has many openings in several sectors across its cities. Around 13 million job vacancies will be empty by the end of 2023. The unemployment rate at the end of November 2022 is 3.7%.

What is the best resource to find data about the labor market? ›

Whether you live in a small town or a large metropolis, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics provides useful information about our economy that benefits you. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics collects, analyzes, and publishes reliable information on many aspects of our economy and society.

What agency tracks labor market data? ›

The Bureau of Labor Statistics measures labor market activity, working conditions, price changes, and productivity in the U.S. economy to support public and private decision making.

What jobs have the highest employment rate in the UK? ›

Amongst all UK jobs, medicine and dentistry have the highest employment rate at 99.4%.

What is the UK version of Labour? ›

The Labour Party is a social democratic political party in the United Kingdom that sits on the centre-left of the political spectrum.

What are official statistics UK? ›

Official statistics are statistics produced by Crown bodies and other organisations listed within an Official Statistics Order, on behalf of the UK government or devolved administrations.

What is the statistical bureau of the UK? ›

The Office for National Statistics is the UK's largest independent producer of official statistics and the recognised national statistical institute of the UK. It is responsible for collecting and publishing statistics related to the economy, population and society at national, regional and local levels.

How regulated is the UK labour market? ›

For example, analysis by the OECD finds that employment regulation in the UK is towards the bottom of the league in terms of the protections it provides to individual workers. This relatively light touch labour market framework is associated with a high level of permanent employment by OECD standards.

What is labour market test in UK? ›

The RLMT is a test, designed by the Home Office, to ensure that the role you want to fill cannot be filled by residential (UK or EEA) talent. In the RLMT, the job role is advertised to residential talent for at least 28 days in total using an approved method.

Why is UK labour market tight? ›

Over the last 2-3 years, we have seen a historically tight labour market, driven by recruitment difficulties as the pandemic likely caused structural shifts.

What is the average Labourer rate in the UK? ›

The estimated total pay for a Labourers is £23,504 per year, with an average salary of £22,112 per year. This number represents the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users. The estimated additional pay is £1,391 per year.

Is the UK having a labor shortage? ›

As of October 2023, approximately 9.7 percent of businesses in the United Kingdom reported that they were experiencing a worker shortage, compared with 14.9 percent in October 2022.

What is the labor participation rate in the UK? ›

U.K. labor force participation rate for 2022 was 54.36%, a 3.14% increase from 2021. U.K. labor force participation rate for 2021 was 51.22%, a 3.45% decline from 2020. U.K. labor force participation rate for 2020 was 54.67%, a 1.98% decline from 2019.

What is the Labour productivity rate in the UK? ›

Labour productivity

Incorporating revisions to annual National Accounts, output per hour worked increased by 0.3% in Quarter 2 (Apr to June) 2023 compared with Quarter 2 2022. Output per hour worked was 2.8% above its pre-coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic levels (2019 average level) in Quarter 2 2023.

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