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online 24 January 2013publishedProceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science

Hamid M. Sedighi and Kourosh H. ShiraziAsymptotic approach for nonlinear vibrating beams with saturation type boundary condition

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Original Article

Asymptotic approach for nonlinearvibrating beams with saturation typeboundary condition

Hamid M Sedighi and Kourosh H Shirazi

Date received: 1 November 2012; accepted: 20 December 2012


This article attempts to analyze the complicated vibrational behavior of the Euler–Bernoulli beam exposed to saturated

nonlinear boundary condition through proposing an innovative precise equivalent function. In this direction, the beamvibrational response is attained by way of a new effective analytical method namely Hamiltonian approach. Despite all theprocedures based on perturbation methods that deadzone or saturation dead-band parameter is omitted during inte-gration, this study indicates that how using Hamiltonian approach, the impact of dead-band parameter is taken intoaccount leading to higher accuracy of the approximated solution. Finally, the precision of the proposed equivalentfunction is evaluated in comparison with the numerical solutions, giving excellent results.


Accurate equivalent function, saturation nonlinearity, nonlinear vibration of beam, Hamiltonian approach


Most of the beam structures may operate in the non-

linear range during lifetime due to sources of nonli-

nearity such as large deformation effects or boundary

conditions. In the case of non-differentiable nonli-

nearity like saturation type, the analytical solutions

related to the nonlinear problems become very com-

plex. Engineering mechanisms, as electrical power sys-

tems, usually involve saturation type nonlinearities.1

This nonlinearity, due to its inherent difficulty, has

not been modeled exactly by researchers, till present.The approximation of this nonlinear condition in

order to obtain the analytical solution of dynamical

systems behavior has been always the major difficulty

of engineer’s computations. Xin et al.2 analyzed the

impact of saturation nonlinearities and disturbance

rejection on power system small-signal stability

based on the estimated stability region and maximum

endurable disturbance rejection. In the other research,

Xin et al.3 studied the class of linear dynamical sys-

tems subject to saturation nonlinearities and approxi-

mated the considered mechanisms by singular

perturbation dynamical systems based on the notion

of Pade approximation. A frequency-domain criterionfor the elimination of limit cycles in a class of digital

filters using saturation nonlinearity was presented by

Singh.4 The objective of this study is to introduce the

innovative exact equivalent fraction (EF) for satur-

ation nonlinearity as a boundary condition and to

implement the Hamiltonian approach (HA)5 in the

nonlinear beam vibrations.

The introduced function is suitable for analytical

studies of nonlinear dynamical systems using approxi-

mated approaches such as energy balance method,6

variational iteration method,7 modified variational

iteration method,8 Lindstedt–Poincare´ method,9

Pade´ technique,10 max-min approach,11 HAM,12,13

parameter expansion method,14–17

amplitude–fre-quency formulation,18 hom*otopy perturbation trans-

form method,19 Laplace transform method20 and

hom*otopy perturbation method21–23 as well as numer-

ical studies in direct simulations. A survey of some

recent developments in asymptotic techniques for

strongly nonlinear equations has been investigated

by He.24

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shahid Chamran University,

Ahvaz, Iran

Corresponding author:Hamid M Sedighi, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shahid

Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran.

Email: [emailprotected]

Proc IMechE Part C:

J Mechanical Engineering Science

0(0) 1–8

! IMechE 2013

Reprints and permissions:

DOI: 10.1177/0954406213475561

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Approximate methods for studying nonlinear

vibrations of distributed parameter systems are

important for investigative and/or designing pur-

poses. Usually, in the analytical procedures in order

to approximate the nonlinear responses, deadzone

and saturation dead-band parameter is deleted

during integration.25–27 This study indicates thatusing HA, the impact of this parameter is included

and so the accuracy of the approximated solution


The current work attempts to compute nonlinear

frequency–amplitude relation in a cantilever beam in

the presence of saturation type nonlinear boundary

condition. Recently a new powerful method namely

Hamiltonian approach (HA) proposed by He5 has

proven to be a very effective and convenient way of

handling nonlinear problems and has been success-

fully developed and applied to various engineering



Previously, He


introduced the energybalance method based on collocation and the

Hamiltonian. This approach is very simple but

strongly depends on the chosen location point.

Recently, He5 proposed the Hamiltonian approach.

This approach is a kind of energy method with a

vast application in conservative oscillatory systems.

He et al.28 used HA to establish frequency–amplitude

relationship of Duffing-harmonic oscillator. Some

new asymptotic methods for the solitary solutions of

nonlinear differential equations, nonlinear differen-

tial-difference equations, and nonlinear fractional dif-

ferential equations were studied by He.29 Sedighi

et al.30 have presented the advantages of some effect-ive analytical approaches such as min-max approach,

parameter expansion method, Hamiltonian approach,

variational iteration method and energy balance

method on the asymptotic solutions of governing

equation of transversely vibrating cantilever beams.

The objective of this article is to substantiate the

acceptable ability of HA in predicting the analytical

response of nonlinear systems dealing with nondiffer-

entiable nonlinearities. The innovative EF for nondif-

ferentiable saturated nonlinearity has been employed

in the analytical procedures, here. The effects of vibra-

tion amplitude besides saturation dead-band param-eter on natural frequency are taken into

consideration. The results presented in this article

exhibit that the analytical method is very effective

and high-accuracy for nonlinear vibration for which

the highly nonlinear governing equations exist.

Mathematical formulation

The cantilever beam studied in this work has length L,

mass per unit length of the beam m, moment of inertia

I and modulus of elasticity E as shown in Figure 1.

Assume that the Euler–Bernoulli theorem can be

adopted. Crespo da Silva and Glenn33 derived theequations of motion governing the nonlinear nonpla-

nar vibrations of Euler–Bernoulli beams. The integral

partial-differential equations are simplified to the case

of planar motion of cantilever beam under transverse

excitation. The governing partial differential equation

for the nonlinear flexural vibration of the beam is, asfollows

m €v þ EIviv þ EI v0 v0v00ð Þ0Â Ã0þ 1

2m v0










¼ 0 ð1Þ

Here x is the axial coordinate which is measured from

the origin, v denotes the lateral vibration in y direc-

tion. The boundary conditions for the beam including

saturation nonlinear type can be expressed as

v 0, tð Þ ¼ @v

@x0, tð Þ ¼ 0,


@x2L, tð Þ ¼ 0,


@x3L, tð Þ ¼ Fsat L, tð Þ ð2Þ

where Fsat L, tð Þ is nonlinear boundary condition at its

end as shown in Figure 2 and is described by the fol-

lowing nonlinear saturation formula

Fsat vð Þ ¼f1 v

ð Þv5


kpv À 4v4

f2 vð Þ v4

8<: ð3Þ

Figure 1. Configuration of cantilever beam with saturation

type boundary condition.

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where kp is the constant of primary spring. Assuming

v x, tð Þ ¼ q tð Þ’ xð Þ, where ’ xð Þ is the first eigenmode of

the clamped–free beam and can be expressed as

’ xð Þ ¼ cosh xð Þ À cos xð Þ

Àcosh Lð Þ þ cos Lð Þsinh Lð Þ þ sin Lð Þ

sinh xð Þ À

sin xð Þð Þ


where ¼ 1:875 is the root of characteristic equation

for first eigenmode. Applying the weighted residual

Bubnov–Galerkin method yields


m €v þ EIviv þ EI v0 v0v00ð Þ0Â Ã0

þ 1

2m v0




@t2 Zx






01A’ xð Þdx ¼ 0 ð5Þ

to implement the end nonlinear boundary condition,

applying integration by parts on equation (5), it is

converted to the following


m €vþEI v0 v0v00ð Þ0Â Ã0


2m v0













A’ xð Þdx


EIviv’ xð Þdx¼0 ð6Þ


m €v þ EI v0 v0v00ð Þ0Â Ã0

þ 1

2m v0









9=;1A’ xð Þdx

þ EIv000’ xð Þ




EIv000d ’ xð Þð Þ ¼ 0 ð7Þ

In the above equation the boundary condition term

EIv000 L, tð Þ is replaced by Fsat L, tð Þ. By introducing the

following nondimensional variables




rt, q ¼ q


and applying the weighted residual Bubnov–Galerkin

method, the nondimensional nonlinear equation of

motion can be expressed as

€q þ 1q þ 2q3 þ 3q _q2 þ 4q2€q þ Fsat L, tð Þ ¼ 0



1 ¼ 12:3624,2 ¼ 40:44, 3 ¼ 4 ¼ 4:6 ð10Þ

To solve nonlinear ordinary equation (9) analytically,

the saturation condition Fsat, must be formulated,

properly. The EF for the shifted Heaviside function

is expressed in the following relation

H v À að Þ ¼ 1

2þ 1


v À aj jv À a


In this article, we introduce novel exact equivalentfunction for this nonlinearity as

Fsat vð Þ ¼ kpv þ Àkpv þf2 vð ÞÀ ÁH v À að Þ

þ Àkpv þf1 vð ÞÀ ÁH Àv À að Þ ð12Þ

Using this new definition of Fsat, and setting

f1 vð Þ ¼ f2 vð Þ ¼ ksv equation (9) can be rewritten as


€q þ 01q þ 2q3 þ 3q _q2 þ 4q2


þ5 q

À0 À q

þ0 À Á ¼



01 ¼ 1 þ p þ s, 5 ¼ s

2, 0 ¼


p ¼ 4kpL3

EI, s ¼ 4ksL3


Overview of the Hamiltonian approach

Consider a general form of nonlinear differential


€q þf q, _q, €qð Þ ¼ 0, q 0ð Þ ¼ A, _q 0ð Þ ¼ 0, ð14Þ

Figure 2. Plot of generalized saturation nonlinearity.

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Establishing variational principle for equation (14)

proposed by He5 yields

J qð Þ ¼ZT=


À _q2

2þ F q, _q, €qð Þ

dt, ð15Þ

where T is the period of the nonlinear oscillator.

In the functional (15), _q2=2 is the kinetic energy and

F q, _q, €qð Þ satisfies @F=@q ¼ f. Throughout the oscilla-

tion since the system is conservative, the total energy

remains unchanged during the motion. Hamiltonian

of the oscillator becomes a constant value H¼ K:E:þP:E: ¼ H0, where the terms K:E: and P:E: are kinetic

and potential energies of the system, respectively. The

new function H qð Þ can be written as5

^H qð Þ ¼ Z



2 þ F q, _q, €qð Þ dt ¼T

4 H0 ð16Þ

It is obvious that


@T¼ H0


and then the frequency–amplitude relation is obtained

by setting




@T ¼0 or




@ 1=!ð Þ ¼



Approximation by Hamiltonian


Assuming q ¼ Pni¼1 Ai cos i!ð Þ as an approximate

solution. Using first term approximation, the solution

can be assumed as

q ¼ A cos !ð Þ ð19ÞLet us consider the nonlinear equation (13-a) the

function F q, _q, €qð Þ can be expressed as

F q, _q, €qð Þ ¼ _q2

21 þ 4q2À Áþ 0


2q2 þ 2


þ Z5 q À 0 À q þ 0 À Á dq|fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}I:P:


The last part of equation (20) yields

I:P: ¼ 5

Àq2=2 þ 0q q40

q2=2 À 0q þ 02 q4 0



Àq2=2 À 0q q4À 0


=2 þ 0q þ 02

q4À 0& ! ð21

ÞAssuming q ¼ A cos !ð Þ and A4 0, in the one-

fourth of oscillation period, equation (21) can be sim-

plifies as




þ Àq2=2þ0q q40

q2=2À0qþ02 q40



Therefore, the Hamiltonian of the system is easily

established as

H qð Þ ¼ZT=4


2þ 0


2q2 þ 2

4q4 þ 4





2q2 þ 0q þ 02


þZ1=!ÂcosÀ1 0=Að Þ


2q2 À 0q þ 02


þ ZT=4

1=!ÂcosÀ1 0=Að Þ

5 À 12

q2 þ 0q



Substituting equation (19) into (23) leads to





@ 1=!ð Þ

¼ 0:39233!

2A3 À 0:5892A3

þ 0:7854 !2 À 01 þ 25À ÁA À 5A cos À1 0

A À 5



A2 À 02p þ 5

0AffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiA2 À 02

p ¼ 0 ð25Þ

H¼ 1

!0:14732A4 þ 0:39270

1A2 þ 0:3927A2!2 À 0:39275A2 þ 0:09823A4!2 À 1:5708502


ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1 À 0


2sþ 0:55A2 cos À1 0


þ 5

2 cos À1 0A

À 0:1255A2

1A ð24Þ

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From equation (25) we can easily find that the solution ! is

! Að Þ ¼

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1:52A2 þ 2 0

1 À 25

À Áþ 2:545 cos À1 0A

À Áþ 03


A2À02p À 0ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi


3A2 þ 2

vuut ð26Þ

Replacing ! from equation (26) into equation (19) yields

q ð Þ ¼ A cos

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1:52A2 þ 2 0

1 À 25

À Áþ 2:545 cosÀ1 0A

À Áþ 03


A2À02p À 0ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi


3A2 þ 2



1CA ð27Þ

Figure 3. Comparison of the results of analytical solutions with the numerical simulations for 0¼ 0:5A , p¼s¼ 0:1. (a) Time

history; (b) Phase portrait. Symbols: numerical solution; Solid line: analytical solutions.

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Results and discussion

In order to demonstrate the integrity of proposed EF

and solutions by HA, the analytical results together

with the corresponding numerical results have been

presented, graphically. First-order approximation of


ð Þusing HA analytic method and introduced EF,

exhibits a good agreement with numerical resultsfrom fourth-order Runge–Kutta method, as depicted

in Figure 3. In addition, the phase portrait curves for

different amplitudes A ¼ 0.01, 0.05, 0.08, 0.1 and 1.2 is

plotted to reveal the high accuracy of asymptotic solu-

tions. Consequently, the phase-space curves generated

from HA are thoroughly acceptable as verified by

numerical results.

To explain the effect of saturation dead-band par-

ameter 0 on the nonlinear response of beam vibration,

the normalized frequency as a function of amplitude A

is shown in Figure 4 for different values of 0. For the

same normalized amplitudes, the frequency of beam

vibration shifts downward, when the saturation par-

ameter 0 moves upward. It is evident that the analyticsolution converges rapidly and is valid for a wide

range of saturation parameter and initial conditions.

The influence of primary and secondary spring par-

ameters p, s on the natural frequency has been illu-

strated in Figure 5 as a function of normalized

amplitude of cantilever beam vibration. As can be

observed, the greater spring parameters p, s

Figure 4. Fundamental normalized frequency vs. normalized amplitude: effect of parameter 0.

Figure 5. Fundamental normalized frequency vs. normalized amplitude: effect of parameters p, s.

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produce larger limit cycle frequency. It is inferred

from Figure 4 and 5 that the fundamental frequency

increases as the vibration amplitude gets larger,

Regardless of dead-band and spring parameters.

Furthermore, the effect of different boundary con-

ditions (free, saturated and dead-zone) on the asymp-

totic solution of cantilever beam vibration has been

studied through Figure 6. Free end cantilever beam

has the less nonlinear frequency. However, the fre-

quency of beam under saturated boundary condition

is larger than similar beam under dead-zone boundary

condition. It should be pointed out that dead-zoneboundary condition appears via substituting p ¼ 0

in the equation of motion.

The impact of saturation parameter is also investi-

gated in the following. As illustrated in Figure 7,

increasing saturation parameter causes the vibrating

frequency to increase and consequently makes the

time period of cantilever beam oscillation decrease.


An advanced effective asymptotic method namely HA

was employed to establish the frequency–amplitude

relationship of vibrating cantilever beam under satur-

ation type boundary condition. In this direction, theinnovative EF for nondifferentiable saturated nonli-

nearity has been engaged to predict the analytic

Figure 6. Comparison between solutions of vibrating cantilever beam with free, saturated and dead-zone boundary conditions.

Figure 7. The impact of saturated boundary condition on the asymptotic solution.

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response of nonlinear beam vibrations. The saturated

nonlinearity was rewritten precisely using continuous

functions. The accuracy of the obtained results using

introduced EF, confirms the strength of the presented


FundingThis research received no specific grant from any funding

agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.


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