Resources for Learning Sign Language (2024)

Learning sign language can be a fun experience and help you communicate with more people in the deaf and hard of hearing community. It can alsolead you down many different paths.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced signer, it's good to understand the different aspects of the language. This includes the basic signs and techniques, where you can find resources to learn it, and the various types of sign languages used throughout the world.

Resources for Learning Sign Language (1)

Sign Language Alphabet

Learning to sign the alphabet (known as the manual alphabet) is usually the first place to begin.

  • Sign language alphabet: Each of the 26 letters in the English alphabet is represented with a unique sign in American Sign Language (ASL). They're relatively easy to understand and some mimic the shape of the letter they represent. Practice these and commit them to memory for a good foundation for signing.
  • Fingerspelling: Once you know the individual letters, you can use them to form complete words. This is calledfingerspellingand it's an effective way to communicate, even if you don't know the real sign of a particular word.

Learning Sign Language

Once you have learned to sign the alphabet, you can dive deeper into ASL. There are many ways to approach it, including online and print sign language dictionaries and classroom instruction. For many people, it's useful to do a combination of these techniques.

As with learning any language, there is great value in attending a class. It allows you to learn from an instructor who can explain some of the finer nuances of the language that you simply won't get from a book or website.

Fun and Expression

Sign language can also be used to have fun and there are many opportunities to be creative with the language. Examples includesign language games, creatingsign language names, and "writing"ASL poetry,idioms, or ABC stories. There is even awrittenform of sign language that you can explore.


What good does it do to learn sign language if you don't practice it? Like any language, if you do not use it, you lose it. The deaf or signing community offers many opportunitiesfor practice.

You can usually learn about ways to interact with others by contacting a local resource center for deafand hard of hearing people or a hearing and speech center. For example, signing people often enjoy going to silent orASL dinnersand coffee chats.

Different Flavors of Sign Language

It's important to understand that sign language comes in multiple styles, much like unique dialects in a spoken language. What you sign with one person may be different than the way another person signs, and this can be confusing at times.

For instance, some people sign "true American Sign Language," which is a language that has its own grammar and syntax. Others usesigned exact English (SEE), a form that mimics the English language as closely as possible. Still others use a form of sign language that combines English with ASL, known as pidgin signed English (PSE).

Sign language is also used differently in education. Some schools may follow a philosophy known as total communicationand use all means possible to communicate, not just sign language. Others believe in using sign language to teach children English, an approach known as bilingual-bicultural (bi-bi).

Sign Language


Sign language has a long historybehind it and ASL actually started in Europe in the 18th century. At one time, sign language was dealt a severe blow by a historic event known as theMilan Conference of 1880. This resulted in a ban on sign language in the deaf schools of many countries.

However, a number of individuals and organizations kept the language alive. Additionally, no matter what new hearing or assistive technology comes along, sign language will survive.

There will always be a need for sign language, and its popularity has held and even grown. For example, a number of schools offer sign language as a foreign language and many offersign language clubs as well.

Hearing Sign Language Users

While many deaf people need sign language, so do others who are not deaf. In fact, there has been a discussion in the deaf and hard of hearing community about substituting the term "signing community" for the term "deaf community" for this very reason.

Non-deaf users of sign language include hearing babies, nonverbal people who can hear but cannot talk, and even gorillas or chimpanzees. Each of these instances points to the importance of continuing the language so that communication is more inclusive.

International Sign Language

Sign language in America is not the same sign language used around the world. Most countries have their own form of sign language, such as Australia (Auslan) or China's Chinese sign language (CSL). Often, the signs are based on the country's spoken language and incorporate words and phrases unique to that culture.

A Word From Verywell

A desire to learn sign language can prove to be a worthy endeavor and a rewarding experience. As you begin your journey, do some research and check with local organizations that can offer you guidance in finding classes near you. This will give you a great foundation that can be fueled by practice signing with others.

By Jamie Berke
Jamie Berke is a deafness and hard of hearing expert.

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Resources for Learning Sign Language (2024)


What is the fastest way to learn sign language? ›

If you want to improve your Sign Language skills faster, hiring a tutor is probably the fastest way to do it. Search for a good professional near you, or even online, and start practicing as soon as possible.

Is there a free way to learn ASL? ›

ASL University: Lessons is a free course designed to teach ASL not through traditional topic-based lists, but by the frequency of use in real-world conversations.

What is the best place to learn sign language? ›

Where can I find American Sign Language (ASL) classes?
  • American Sign Language Teachers Association.
  • State Schools for the Deaf.
  • NAD State Association Affiliates.
  • State Commissions/Office for Deaf and Hard of Hearing.
  • State Chapters of the National Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID)

What is the hardest part about learning ASL? ›

The first major task that hearing learners face is learning to attend visually to linguistic information that is coded in a form for which they have no perceptual "schema." This can be physically and mentally demanding for ASL learners, even beyond the early stages.

How long does it take the average person to learn ASL? ›

It takes an average of 8 or more years to become fluent in American Sign Language (ASL).

Can you learn ASL by yourself? ›

Most importantly of all, you will need to start having lots of interaction with real deaf people. All in all, it is not really possible to teach yourself ASL. If you want to start holding meaningful conversations in ASL, you will need formal instruction and practice.

Is there a totally free ASL app? ›

SignSchool. This free app works for those wanting to learn American Sign Language or develop their ASL vocabulary. Choose from a diverse group of signers and dialects in the dictionary and reinforce your learning with multiple-choice games. Set the daily reminder to learn a new sign every day.

Is there a Duolingo for ASL? ›

Duolingo does not have ASL, but if you're looking for a similar experience for American Sign Language, try out this free alternative. Summary: Duolingo does not offer American Sign Language (ASL) courses. If you're looking for a great app with a similar experience to Duolingo but for ASL, try out ASL Bloom for free.

Can you teach ASL if you're not deaf? ›

Hearing people who teach ASL can often make mistakes and teach incorrect signs. This is because ASL is a complex language with its own grammar and syntax, and it is not simply a direct translation of English. American Sign Language is a living language that is always evolving.

Is there a book to learn sign language? ›

Signing Illustrated: The Complete Learning Guide

This book is also very popular for learning ASL. The 1500 signs are organized by category, not alphabetically.

What is the most useful sign language to learn? ›

ASL and BSL languages serve as vital cultural cornerstones for Deaf communities. These languages reflect their unique experiences, artistic expressions, and social interactions. Learning BSL is more than just a skill; it opens the door to a rich cultural tapestry.

Which sign language is easiest to learn? ›

People who are visual learners say ASL is easier and can easily pick up, but non visual learners find that Spanish is easier to pick up than ASL. Why is there a no voice rule in ASL class? The no voice rule pushes the students to think in ASL and not in spoken English and to learn quickly.

Where do most deaf people learn ASL? ›

You can start learning ASL by attending a sign language class. Sign language classes can be found at community colleges, universities, libraries, churches, organizations/clubs of the deaf, and lots of other places.

Why is ASL so hard to learn? ›

The American Sign Language Teachers Association (ASLTA) states the challenge to ASL is primarily in the modality of learning. This conclusion is based on the complex grammar system and significant structural and cultural differences in the language.

Which of the following is the best way to learn ASL? ›

Take ASL classes, and go to deaf events. You can learn a lot in class, but to become fluent in any language, you need to use it.

Is there ASL on Duolingo? ›

Duolingo does not have ASL, but if you're looking for a similar experience for American Sign Language, try out this free alternative. Summary: Duolingo does not offer American Sign Language (ASL) courses. If you're looking for a great app with a similar experience to Duolingo but for ASL, try out ASL Bloom for free.

What words should I learn first in sign language? ›

Basic signs everyone should know
  • Good Morning / Good Afternoon / Evening.
  • How are you? Good / Fine.
  • Have a good day / Have a good night / Have a good weekend.
  • Thank you/You're welcome.
  • Can I help you? / How can I help you?
  • Where is _____? ...
  • How do you sign [finger spell word]?
  • Sorry / excuse me / please.

Is it very difficult to learn ASL? ›

ASL difficulty has been determined by standards of the Foreign Service Institute and Defense Language Institute as a Level IV out of four (Level IV being the most difficult). The American Sign Language Teachers Association (ASLTA) states the challenge to ASL is primarily in the modality of learning.

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