The Yankton Press and Union and Dakotaian from Yankton, South Dakota (2024)

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ipwwnvi' gtfSS nad Jlakotail j- Thursday January 29 1 874 idler Oilman EXCELSIOR Mill Company 1 been made by the Senate in the passage of bill that in caaes of undervaluation con fiscution shall extend only to the items undervalued and not is has been the practice the entire invoice If a Washington telegram to the Chief go Tribuue is to he credited Civil Reform has become obnoxieaa to MJrrge number of Congressmen and is Flole to be overthrown Butler led ofl i attack against the present iystem and at is said a majority rif the Hohse Civil jt'rvice Reform Committee are opposed to -ft iGen Butler is erecting a new dwelling on Capitol Ilill It is To be a model affair The first two stories ire to be strictly fireproof People wandered why this was thus It was to-day Butler has leased them to'joe Government as a head -quarters forSae Coast Survey at a good round fignC' Rumor says the rental of the Bre prooportion will pay the Massachusetts Congressmen about 20 per cent on his investment in the entire premises rflie Supreme Court of Indiana has de-t Aleil that the law which required a man Schandeis Barth On Ttot-St near Broadway A- YUETOS DAKOTA Have jut received a large and complete stock of China Glassware Crockery Stonjewqre Lamps Chandeliers AS Table Cutlery of all Kinds -'y' BOOKS STATIONERY NOTIONS fV'c ::3 AKD WINDOW GLASS lion A II 1 sarues one of th Associate Justices of Dakota hose UjVrt residence in Yankton has endeared jrim to tlie people generally and wliosejust and inipar tial administration ot tl law while upon the bench has won for him the entire con fidence and respect of the twr being rttrout to leave thiiity for his new judicial" district invited the members of the legal profession and a few otlier friends includ members the press to join him in a quiet repMtjS the Merchants Hotel on Tues evening About thirty including near every ymember of the legal profession in Yanktflfrt sat down to the well supplied tabled of this model hotel at 9 o'clock Aftr the interesting ceremony of eating taa-n concluded Ex-Oov Faulk Prcsi heDf of the Bar called to order and after a pertinent remarks called out Gen Win Tfipp Gen Tripp who is always happy what he has to say spoke in liigh terms commendation of the present judiciary Dakota believing that few of the old States had a better and none of the Territories had its equal The pleasant rela turns wriiich existed Ire was it lire bar and the host of this occasion Judge Barnes was commented upon as evidence of that confidence and respect with which a good Judge always inspires a lawyer Judge Barnes responded to Gen Tripp's remarks felicitously remarked that he had not Iwen disappointed as many are in coming west Me liad exjS'Hisl to find the same learning and sharpness among the lawyers here hat the profession are credited with older communities and his expectations had been realized Me spoke of the uni form courtesy I hat had al ays been extend him by cacti and every member of the ar and urged upon the younger members the necessity of continued hard labor in order to succeed in the profession of the law Judge Barnes' remarks were words isdom fitly expressed anil were teeeiv With applause Mon I Spink and 1 fol lo ed led 1 1 old members of the bar giving most emphatic testimony tint it was now ith pride that they Could point to the judiciary of the Territory that it was an honor to practice in hr Courts lie high esteem in which Bai ins was held was warmly ex preyed as being life sentiments of the entire tftr and 'he le st isles all went wi'f fiim in bis absence coupled with' ttiefTipiM of a safe and sjeedy return If felt Beadle who is also a member of the liar all though claiming to he 'an junior found guilty of drunkenness to tell where he got his liquor is unconstnutional TliflM AS WKUSTFIi At llie Smithsonian Ho llan Slth tSTt by Thornburgh Mr Togs CTows of SjrinsTfield I) and Mias 'isoi Wkb-tsk of Oodgeville Wisconsin Tloe bride is deserving a good hnabaod coming far all alone to meet her atKanccd May they live tong and happy logether Real Katate Trausfrrs Fite'l for rteqrtl for hr wtu)c Hiding January fl IS' rr parted hy II ani Ilttil t'rtatr Agent Vnnktnn I): fleorv Wheeler to Ira Nre wnrrftnlv deed block 41 Wq-herepMm's Yankton and lot I hliek 4 sw'a st4 sccliou 7 townM range 55-fPH) II protnrna Stephen bamon warranty deed ami in wk and iwi n4 ec- tin irtwii tt-l rinic 56 100 15 0 I'nHe States to Wm Bascrk paicut mrtun 5 rtiwn rsnire 56 itt) acres Emriin 'Iflihwalte and wife Edward O-Nd yes rranty deed und 4 Iota 2 A blick Lower Yankton (ieo Moon and wife to Fargo watitam ty deed und 4 lot- A of FargoVsIjAbtli vihion of loti Id 11 fc 12 block 2b flOOt) Hnry Bradley and wife lo Luke Livcrt war ranty deed w4 22 town 54 range 56 8a $3- Is Van Tasel to Janies warranty deed nnd lots 16 17 A 18 block 2b Lower Yankton $500 i ('ime tl Wicker by attorney Io OIe Knttdson warranty deed lots 11 A 12 block 5 $75 Llaf of Lelters K-maiH'ini i be PosJMce at Yankton DT Inn 2 1871 If nut called for in 10 days will be 8 L't) tot be Deti Letter Ofticc AndTepn Mrs Jungnimi Wilhelm Anderson Mrs Maty Lehman Achr Miss Jenri Moor Atwrd Mn-atsh -Montgoaiery A Buuiier VVM Presby Jainea Bellows Jjfw Chas: Person Mrs Bt-oneif Thames Robertson Blsjth'zTl Mis Flora Santee Clinton 2 Sc bin it Gerhard Cabs'ip Miss Mary Saunders Minnie Cor lieo Sloan Thomas Hay II Severs Albert Lnlxjs Schmoch Robert Prtkgt! Mr Wheeler Janson FreidL Jttseph Welby LKTriifta It ELI) FOR FOSTAO! Mrs A A Sicyens Minneapolis Lucictia Falyr Boscobcl Wi---3c rsons caMing for advertised )cttrs will please say ad ei tised A HOWARD MRTEOIIOLOGICAL RECORD For the Week Ending Jan 20 187 I Yankton War Depuithent Signal Service A Division Telegrams and Reports for the Benefit of Commerce AND Wagon Making BY INGWERSON CAREY Shop on Cedar near Third-St HORSE SHOEING MADE A SPECIALTY AH work Warrant ed nlMf X-i BANCROFT lARrrAcmift of BOOTS Cor of Capital Third-St Yankton Hb ReDiimt Proantlj AKeided To A 11 orkr arranted Dancing Academy AT II ALL Capital Street Yankton THOS ALLEN Instructor To be held on every Thursday evening commencing Thursday January 23 1874 Ladies free Gentlemen 50 cent each evening u23 EDGAR REXCBAL Provision Dealer And Commission Merchant Also Dealer in every description of AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY Wagons Plows and Labor-saying Implements and Machines Of every character Will buy and sell Cattle All kinds of Grain and PRODUCE Generally -f General Burineu OJfce Opposite Ibe neyrAam'i Hotel BROADWAY Heat Markets and ProTision tores Capital Street Opp Hotel Broadway YANKTON DAKOTA Hommtead Notice UNITED states land OTFICE I Yankton Jant 1871 Complaint ing been entered at this office by Christian Auch against Johan Hagaman for abandoning his Homestead Entry No 3676 dated April 22 1872 upon tho southwest quarter seciiou 14 town 95 range 57 in Yankton connty Dakota Territory with a view to the cancellation of said entry: the said parties are hereby summobed to appear at this office on thefilh day of February 1874 at 10 o'clock a to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment GKO HAND Register 21 4t LOTT BAYLKS8 Receiver IIoniCNtead Koltcc IVK landoefk I Yankton Jan St 1871 C( mplslnt having been entered at this office by John Wallace against Bartholomew Cronin for abandoning his Homestead Entry No 2593 dated Dec 19 1870 upon the northwest quarter section 10 township 91 range 53 in Clav county Dakota I Terrnorvwith view to the -cancellation-rnid 'entry: the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at hi office on the 26ihda a tbi omce on the atjihtiayof February 1874 at 10 o'clock a to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment GKO II HAND Register n2Ml LOTT BAYLKS Receiver i Third St near Capital YANKTON DAKOTA A First -Class LlyeryFeed and SaleStahl Onr Cl very it sapplied with good horses and good cai-riages and buggies which are furnished on reason able terms We hace the heal Livery Building tu the West andcanaeconunodatertansienueama with warm tabling and good care As we do a general Livery and Sale business oartiesdealrlng anything in this tine will And It to their interest toconsatt ns before 1 oohing elsewhere Power C'o renhton Jan 9 HARKINS BRO DEVJKR8 IK GROCERIES FLOUR FEED See FRESH ROLL BUTTER of tl Jlnt quality Cedar Water Barrels Aim XJ WOODEN WAKE or All Kiuds Everything in onr lino the LOW ST PRICES FOR CASH Store CAPITAL STREET oM-tf i first Door North of St Chnrle Hotel GREENE 4 I GREENE SURVEYORS General Land Agents and NOTARIES PUBLIC Firesteel Davison Co Dakota Will prepare Pre-Empiion and Homeetead pa per clect aud surv- land for tilers pav taxes and loan money for non-reeHeut furnish abstract and ill also fariiih infirnHii re-apectiug Southern Dakota to parties abroad Firesteel I located on a lench at the point where the Fi reel eel Creek empties into Jainea River: it is the county seat of Davion County and 1 surrounded by a fine an agricultural country as can be found in the Northwest It is 70 miles north of Yankion with which Is connected by a triweekly stage line It Is also on the Sioux Foils Firesteel A Fort Thompson mil line aud from its central position must be a point where a number of other important mail line will converge Quarries of super! red gratle and chalk stone fr building exist In the viclnBy In great ab'un-dauce Parties seeking home in the West will find it to their advantage to ctrrespond with the undersigned before decidiug upon a location elsewhere- 1- GREECE n21 Firesteel Fruit! AT I BROWNS IS THE BEST Fruit and Confectionery Store IIV YANKTON APPLES ORANGES LEM NS PEACHES PEARS GRAPES Foreign and Domestic fruits Fine Ciffiira And Choice Tobaccos Frdk Butter and Egg AND FRESH VEGETABLES IN SEASON Cedar St between 2d and 3 Order Promptly l'Hlod THIIID 11 In the Pot Office 4-uO YANKTOX Willattend toflling Pve-cmptionand Homestead Claims Pay Taxes for non-residents furnish certified abstracts of Titles and attend promptly to Correspondence in reference to Yankton County and the Territory n2ti-tf Parties wishing to buy will find it to their interest to call aud examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere We only buy the very best kind of goods aud Sell at the lowest figure for CASH nl5 tf SCHANDEIN Sc BARTH Gemai ant EdM School After I'ecembcr 1st Messrs Rchandein A Kller-man will open an English and German School For Ladies and Gentlemen in Yankton Teaching the German Lanfuuirc Will be made a specialty For terms and ail other Information apply at the store of Schandein A Barth on Third street near Broadway Nov 25 -Ul5-tl MEAT PRODUCE MARKET Capital Street YANKTON DT Fresh Beef Pork Mutton Hams Bacon Shoulders FLOIR CORN CORVREAL 4c OAT Kgg Butler and Cieneral Country u0-tf A COBBY Architect A Snpcriatadat Flans Specifications Bills and Estimates Famished on reasonable terms ALSO AGENT FOR Chicago Terra Cottaompany Window Caps Door Caps Conaioos Wall Coping Brackets Quoin Rosettes Modillions Corbel Chinaney Top Garden Vase Statuary And ornaments of all kinds I would respectfully invite the building public of Yankton to consider its merits and at a proof of Its acceptance aa a Standard Building Materia) the above company have supplied since the great fire (of Chicago) upwards of 45C0 window caps 6000 feet of coping and many thonsand dollar worth of ornamental work It la equal tothe best cut stone as to strength and appearance yet much cheaper than auy stone Builders wisnitig to have Terra Cotta Introduced into their plans will be furnished with design upon application to A COBBY Office A Residence Parl-8t I Bo lft2 n32-tf Yankton ()CAL MATTKU8 NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS By reference to Hie printed address now in dire-Hiii? the Pbkss AM) Dako Tilts "-h sobscribei- can tell the time at wliieli 1 stiWripHon expires ami as the I ii in' 'we now invariably in advance unless lv cciil contract to the contrary papers will be dis'-ontimted at the expiration of i)C time for hich the subscription is paid fur protracted meeiing at the still continues -'O tev ere'1 'daily stage flow riuis Isf ween Nebraska and Mecktiiijr 1) ef" i informed that Major 8 Aiitki rtnileiith county-' is hut for i 'tiit have niovr into their over tVVnn Uliekraller A i iJrstlway and Tjjrd 1 tV- Watiiet i tl dollars county warrants at tht- highest pi ty I frrenzeii fli a-ii-" ') as Maxwell in ivfj- on c' lias been cliawpid to tl iJN it Po'tnaastcr General LI l7t A I HiE netMs for the steamer West i -ttrUen from I heir s'lrrage in A' i 'l to 81- Irotvis where to Ini placid "'when iln-y can do i ny An ly Porhs A wer- oh a lark at rd 'ix i ami in! itciJ one blunder the 'rut dice It was if! could ui)t take it olio and a 'j i-Kmiici ks in c'ect ion Pi or d'i at i-'ili I S'r roais it rjrrdtr ajrs that the Ka Ko'itit Foniemdir Mollie Moore 'i elyley Mi I ie I I Vninoii i stt amijoat' Ideh Coiniu alnre ii' id' i) toal into I Ii ML-: 5 yj lle i ng as of 171 Vl iit si Naile of the N'oi'liWili rn Cimipaty fmm rii-nx City iful i-a'l 1 i-t wck lliiiiiyh ivligtituiug ilKhiuscr tlcsre ia ing tl life IV'vn uP his 1 Me vvifi-nilv bi- tin del good I Hion Till' Sioux Ciiy 7V b-i- go viouiioiti 'ii bii-in lor 1 bikota it a i iil dise n'iit in for naming ardiduti lor ir'rrss Mere is till' I I) ikotMs n't ntgresvm an will be a ImngT and the tin -r i -linv is Jut "1 id 1 I i 01 iinliliqn Bring i the next not hern Hail 1 lie into tl William tlud the Dakota Soiunerii lean rod Company will so on inn a sue iking ear attached to llie pa-snger raj ii and ilia1 they lier alter Intend Jo inn two ears for jt lr llie outlie baggage express and niilv instead of me as at pre-nt One of will be devoted exclusive') to the i4 pro an 1 mad service hi! I he herjl u-ed as a -making aiid iggtgo ea" At be lat'e annual in etiu 1 r-ol tUi' Fir I tl is Wore elected for ttTC Pusuinfcar I ou a- -President Mark Cnrmcr Vicc: at Charles Hani)in Cashier liurr Assistant Casr'ilcr The new -riii aro Parinefi Dot' Bramble Coals a 1 JV-nlfeV1 Par i I Purdy the nupk tw5 press Jjurmtl spcaTJ bf the print iflg press 1 by this olB-e 4Nd set up at Elk Point Week as the tec tatty used by the iev "defunct Jt i seemingly oh livioii of llie fact that th I) is a pirl and of the piper now published and that its Stams appears weekly at the 1 of our present publication in cornice feci wilb'tlot of the PjtKss But I np funny Tw? 'iipind Street live y- establi-hmcnt fore belrnTiiic lo Meliiiyie lit'dids i hanged bands- MV i overs having'1 Mr Me lot' iuteie-i and taker i x'tlew i id re-- Toe: sjyje Title ue -v lirin I- low ia i i CdusiJ iiblc lie' first 1 lo stock lias 1 a 1) lidded to the establish iiieut aildMr ihiveH who is in i-hafge js too well know i to i a new intfpdoe tin to Hie ji'ibltr lie will ijn'fiv you nt ill style if Mr giv Ii ill a calk and give von ihe exUdei liingTlirvufv fir-t- i I i iij: tVr il I I- ciabt" aoe 'int 1 11! O) I the lb I iu i -v vs it fiie freight SO'lthi-fli Fri I iv vr ir- of it an II of wood fiom ivvi! Of tie-oybe it liv M-V It II ears wire and live frem Klk Point The wood i oked up Mo Tin same paper saf Tlvc i fdiv foiVneon iiieomip? imssettgCr triiin vi'a be 1 do-' i dSoift hern kno iked' a year i tV 1 Pie (rack a ofitl le 'vest of Ffk Pf of bre ikiliig nig' of- its hind 1 and jiri-ing of: ebnsideibly V'e oibl ihink mi 1 Court Mmirru Ill lie a-e the touted States againsf Crawf-u'- harxed With introducing in'1 the iMfbun country the jury and a verdict ejMpiilty A im tien for a ttiai is nsitU red Tire reue of t'lte Territory- Vs Winter unite wasealfild up dm m'iv and the sV'tuvid tor thcj'i- vetien moved forfa sxiutitut: r-e- a centUiuawi'c is not giant arertFut iff be made qiiti'h the 'prcrehtAid iOftiWirt -base liter Oiv ieg jbe ill Judge ISisfinr the 'Oiirt was ftf in esia tday blit it 'Vie- tljurf bvt' the qjii s-(ipn of Was be eii' sidertil and di tv'rtniiitAt 'lit niorniiig ing day ly few in oi of and iii cd of eil I Hi to i IJr Samuel Lyon of Vermillion is lying very ill at Keokuk Iowa The Town Trustees of Vermillion hold their semi monthly meetings in the village calaboose Two hundred families of German-Hu direct from Russia are expected to arrive in Yankton during the fore part of next April An association styled the Dakota Lud Ioiprnvcmcut Association has been organized at Fargo with a view to induce the settlement of Northern Dakota The Missouri river in the vicinity of Fort Randal! said to abound in warm springs which prevent the river from freezing over during the coldest winters The Excelsior Mill Company of this city find a good market for their flour in the city of New York The nabobs of tliat metropolis keep house without it The Elk Point Courier states that FI A Copeland Esq ofie of the prominent attorneys of Yankton and attorney for the Dakota 8otttberp railroad i about to lo- cute at Vermillion The Dakota Southern railroad now being ballasted with gravel obtaljeil from the Yankton levee By the wa this gravel is said to contain sufficient gold to piy for working it I I- Fisher Esq oik the first as well as most citizens of Clay county lias jHirt-hasedf Ae stock and goiHl will of Lee at Lodi and will hereafter give hi attention to merchandising at that finishing piint SpMty Whaler a 'Vtormus ell known for bis gatCiling and murderous do- o-- i I tngson the Hie Northern Paetiic i Railway and Tently a Bismarck murderer and Jail brdiifiC'r was arrested on the 21st between Paul and Minneapolis He was tak- immediately io Fargo Tb' Vennilliuu Teinperauce Asso-eiatiril just organized has the following lisof officers: A Pickett Pretti'iont Austin Joseph Mason and Lew is ire Prenultrit Bell Secret try and John Jolley Treanurer It will be gratifying to Cot Jolley's friends to know that he has finally concluded to lead a temperate life Oyer one liundfed persons signed the pledge on the occasion of llie fitst meeting of the association: The tie wly-eleeted officers rf tie Clay Cotinty Agricultural Soeietytire Boss Picriitient Wm Spowage Prentice and Fisher I 'ire Prei(ftth Wm Shriner Trituutfer IV Sfoiiii Secretary lKrcrtnm A A Partridge 1 nomp'on James Morrow A Van Meter Tlie Treasurer reported receipts for the preeeiling year at 41(12) expeiiii: tu res 8 I'Jffyt leaving a balance pf iJ'FnJ'h A MKETiNit of tby Stockholders jfiic Library Association will hs'Lel 1 Tu' mIiv F'diruary dd l87f 3 tp at the residence of Mrs Bell Abseives fined 25 cents el The Hal Iticir Star imblUhes a cut" representing Moorhead which is evidently from a photograph taken iii the mild days of summer as the dim religjious of the outlines discloses an atmosphere surcharged with mosquitoes giving to the effort an effect similar to that of a snow storm scene We have submitted the niittei to a Fargo' gentleman of excellent taste as well as considerable experience along that line and lie says there Is no doubt of it 1 Tiie Press and Dako taian did not pic-k up the Vermillion llvixler on its as staled by Hie Sioux City Journal nor did it make any allusion thereto but th Journal stumbled on to a typographical error and failed to discover that there are other things to be learned front a die tionaiy besides spelling If the Journal has ever fallen into the habit of saying our midst it will learn something to its advantage by consulting tlie authority alluded to and Will be helped out of its or-tlibgraphy tnilildle Tiieiie must be a bad strata atmosphere in the vicinity of Sioux F'alls which seems to have a spasmodic current through he PditiiyriJi office blowing a vile odor over the columns of that paper Some laxly lias evidently been neglected by Judge Barnes or some other judge at some former time and having accumulated cour ge by liis escape from justice is making for bis good luck by such abu-e as no honest or honorable man ever indulges in The ranting Pd ntayril filter whoever lie is makes a most hideous display of lmd lem per and worse logic and a very dfttv col mnn in a jottrnal not ever over neat typographically or otherw ise always excepting its "Dowels" hich are Ixftrowc lnn 1 Whan be has finished be exhausted him If itliofit inakioff the least impression on any one else He reminds us of the old story a pig sw imining a stream who its his own throat before he gets across fak a liath my dear fellow in the Big MToux don't wait for the ice to go out for by that time you will lie beyond llie reach of all cleansing elements known to science or the church WASHINGTON ITEMS Bti'-iilont Wilson has Hccn in Wash- ington iw-riitly felt is to Bos ton His UeiiitU is ari his Ii ioiAnipoffiiita him li) avoili tv In 'its a' lay There ism 1 ot hariimuv-amone tUosy who are in favor of chailging tin- form of paVi rnmedt for the Indian Territory Qnite a nuulhVri of hills to rids end have liiren itilrodwred Tlfe Senate Ins voted to forbid -the Con- jrrnttioriui liertrd tw print liny sjH'eeh or jmrt of a speech that hnajnH been aetiKilIy delivered in This will save ex pense And le a Ixxm to I he public besides S-na'or Sp-ni'er of Al ibnn i iks 100 000 dam tires pf the imerv 1 1 rh i for stating he received of the public money from a defaulting internal revenue collector among whose piX'rs Spencer's note for that amount is said lo have been found Woman suffrage promises to come be tore the House for debate in a navel way Gen Maxwell who contests Mr seat as delegate from Utah claims that by the enfranchisem*nt of women there the Territorial Legislature and its acts are null and void The subject wiff probably givgrise to a lively debate Seuator relief for the tranapor- tation difficulty is to build a ship canal around Niagara Falls This is to be done bv a g)aifkvny incorporated by the United Stales Tin- GoVerniuent is to back its bomia to the amount of per cent 'on the csst ofconstruclton and is have the right af prescribing its foils: If tite Washington S'for is tola believed a to 1 so MAN'UfACTCRKRS OF Com Meal Bran Shorts And 4fAKtt in All Kinds of Feed! CASH PAID FOR MCorii Oats etc Flour delivered in all parts of the City tree of charge Call and see us Our Flour speakB for itself Capital Street YANKTON DAKOTA Dnliotn Central STAGE COMPANY Fare from Fort XiijKTrpson VAf YANKTON $1200 Tbraauxi Ono-half Daya Banning T1jbb Through Line from Yankion via Scotland Maxwell cuy MUItown Rock port and kiretteel FORT THOMPSON The qntrkeet ahorteet ami chtapeat route to ort Tn mpion and ill point above on Ihe I pper Mlourl Alto Through Line from Fort Thomson to Sioux Fall aud connection made for ankton from theae point 8ttre leave Ynkton qm Monday Wednesday and Friday morning leave Fort Thompson Wedneadty 7 a nd leave Firesteel on Monday Wednesday and Friday at 6 o'clock jt Express Uds carried safely at reasonable rates For PAaee or shipment of Express Goods sn-ply to PRESSS A llASKELL Yankton DT Agent fur A CAMPBELL nlj-tf Pnorairroas Xirrru stable BROADWAY FEED aid SALE STABLE CORLISS Sc CO rropiIotd The best of and carriages to be had a ail houraat reaonablr rate Good Accommodations bar A Teams J-rwing arhinrs Sowing Maobixios 1 MRS FISHER -O' A(gonf YANKTON The linger Iswlig Blacblae ts sc- knowledged to he tbe best now msde for all kinds of work A complete assortment of (tl sty las nnd prices kept constsatly on hand tt the Agency In Ynaklnn Parties desiring to purchase arc Invited fa cel I sad rxsmiao Seoond Street Wof of Broadway YANKTOKi nrs VISUI n4 SMITH CO vnji' RonseiSignPainters Chaining (Hazing Kalscmining -AND- And IV'slrrs In WINDOW GLASS 1 L-t 4' White tnd (1) kinds ofptlnfs OH Varnishes Terpentine Pnlnt Brashes Ac Alto Beady Mixed Painto Ws will sell st tbe very lowest pries Call aad see ua before baying elsewhere Store on Capital Street Between td and dd 9t Apr i) lgT-tf YARKTOR GARDNER CO 'M DKALIBS IN Farm Machinery! ABO 4V- IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN KENTUCKY WHISKIES Brandies Gin Alcohol Wt I i KOBKIGN DOMESTIC Wines Cigars Tobaccos BROADWA1 nl4 YANKTOI THE NEW FAMILY SINGER SewingMachine! UNRIVALLED For the Range ANl) Excellence of its Work OverSfOOO Machines Sold LAST YEAR Than by Any other Company FRANK HEFNER Oeneral Agent Capital Street Yankton MAMMOTH HARDWARE STORE WYNN BUCKWALTER St CO WHOLESALE A RETAIL DEALER IN Hardware Stoves Tinware Fence Wire Carpenters' Tools i -v WOODEN WARE Clothes Wringers MAC ORMICK Mowing and Reaping MACHINES Plows Otter Agricnltiiral Implements And also a general assortment of SHELF HARDWARE In STOVES we have the bet assortment and quality They cannot surpassed All Johk work promptly attended to Also good strong and substantial Tinware manufactured All will be sold at the lowest cash rates WYNN BUCKWALTER A CO BROADWAY YANKTON DT nl4tf General Produce STORE A WOOD CO Pirn door north of Ihe Merchtnti' Ilottl Wk Bly and Sell Butter Eggs and Vegetables or ALL KI9TPS OATS CORN We keep connttntly on band a large apply of Ihe above named elue of gooda Special Rate to the Up- River Trade Give Um a Call I a A WOO CO BARBER SHOP! GEO CHASE Who ha lately removed hi Tonnortnl KatablUh-meat to the old stand formerly oerepied by Dad-ley Brae on Capital Street Is sow prepared to teres tbs pabite In tbs Hos of nuirna si cwtfi nali-l TASKTOW DT to f'i BEAVER DAM Old Reliable Force-feed Broadcast Seeder and Cultivator COMBINED FOB THE SEASON OF 1874 Manufactured by Rowell Co Beaver Dam Wis a 1 1-1 hist litix'iiy tu what hiiil been sil com lime to tin- tiry anil IT) Judge well I ailed StatW Attorney Pound was next vdivd upon 'iid as prosecuting attorney for gvvritJfnt iiirniehed a strong link in the untv fil evidence that Dikotaians in reect ft an able judiciary are Bow a hap- P-v 1 Col Pound wus followed by olio ini niber ol the profession including liai li tt Tri))'l one of the most brilliant Zing lawyers in Dakota George Maud A Copeland Messrs Orion' Harris lJanit-s The (lt'umsC')Ucluil bv saying 1 it is ir thing a )e)ple tu liave good laws and a eVjhiug to l)aVe those laws Betilly Gamble Gruber and Mr 'ne-s Hand Marshal Burdick and Hawrence were also called tlie front the former warmly expressing bis admiration of Judge Barnes and the latter expressing lnniself in flitl aeeord with the general utitnctU Mayor Dewitt who vas also present briefly respond'-' eel to the all of his name in words of city Tatherly gs)d ill Dr Fitter was importuned fora few words and an effort was made to make the press speak which was pretty much of a failure as their profession docs not lead its representatives in that direction An bur Linn an honorary member however said a few appropriate words and Major Stone thought a few eloquent remarks A Kings bury and 0 Edgar Closed out the speech milking and years ago" bv the singing member of the Phkss and IOako Taian eoinpaiiv and Auid Lang Syne bv -u li as la 1 voices for tl music in their souls ended a very happy sijcial eve-iii'fg In- iking up id half past u- Tun AKII 1 lt TA I A elv ollCs fbe new Governoi to Tatiktou but lias no Hi teof warning to soithd or instructions lo i-xie to keep liini out ol the pit-falls of designing aiidr ti li seru puloits men" for which-ibrli ara nee wtt presume Mr Penningtoii feels Sittur tty Jiniritul Had she fntrfitl made the ipiotaliou cor feeilv -fts to -have Conveyed to its readers we did say instead ol gar ddinga'iu' the sake of giving it a false con--tre fon it might hive saved itself the tn cl of a sneer ami given less evidence dis(wsitioir to misrepresent As llie foEvernineiit: bridge across tint Sioux is 'dan and tiead heads" are ii lle ibis we ought to he relieved from such ivitl iVe so bit illations Civeua Columbia Pit Buffalo Dcur sir -I niif sixty years of age and bavo been a till ted with Sait Rheum in its worst 'itir fi ir a great rriauyi years tmtif aeci nt 1 saw ne of yo'it books lileli deserilred my eas exactly bought your jfjdeii Medical Di-Cv i and took tivo tnd iii half and was entirely cured tii irX sieMffderr to fuy ands 1 as eii-tin Iv VoveTed wftli enipliotis also on faee and bodvl I I was likewise atllieted with Hliemnatisiu that I wolfed will) great diflh nv Stiid that js ntirely cured May pod at oil a long life toTetindn a hless ing to ink uni With untold gratitude Mrs A Witti xms Tlit Piihlli Kators If Tlie efforts i the managers of i he St Louis Ivans City and Northern Short Line I or the onioireinen! oi the tra vi ling ptildie has i nhed in! a large in erii-- in ihiough p-resenger business- which has kept tip admitably nV'vifhstap'ding in- dull litm smainly attributable to the Meii'ive improvements made in the last two wars costing over two million del lars besides earnings The company is now running five those magnificynt day cixuhes fitted wit Bucks reclining and adj uslhhle chai rs and dressing ro it li overt desirable toilet convenience miSoul any extra chary Ten more of these (Krili coaches to supplant oidiiiary cars are in process of emstruction tsi of which will lx- tiiK-r than tlK' preceding ones Great attention is given lo safety the Coaches being pi ovidevi with Illack stone platforms and conpiers to prevent teleico ping aud bscilhtti-'n Watchmen patrol the line day and night before and after the pas sage of vntli train- to sic that everything is in good order This system of watchmen giv Ibis road eXtraoHiiu iry exemption froai ara ideut- and e-jxyi illy from the feci tliat the impaired iron has been replaced this season by tlc quality of new steel and iron rails Did on broad new ties This load Continues to run six fast express trains two more than any other road laj tween the Missouri aud MtssisSjpl'i rivers Any ticket agent selling through tickets to the East North or South sells tickets over this excellent read For map circulars and time-tables address cither Ly mau Me Catty Kansas City Mo or 1' Great St Louis Mo We cannot tell lie thetlicrmometer in dieted 44 degree below zero Wedcesiay night Yet who would have known it if the thermometer had not told Rtd Riter Star I JtoPri Obttrvtr £aral AScnlR wanted every vhcre! Puriicnlar8 free A II BLAIR TO St Louis Mo A per day Agent wanted lU everywhere Particular free n23 A II BLAIR A CO 84 Lonits Mo SOCIETY MEETINGS St oh iim Lodire No 1G6 A A AM Meet at Fuller Hall corner of I cvee AXUr Street every during or before fuJJ moon Dakota Lodge So 1 I 0 0 Meet every at Fuller ILill corner br Levee XVdur St reels You 2 Literwry Club Me iw every Mbiulayrenlng ai Ynnktou Acad om-y WatnHt Street Bible iaaii Chrlit Churcl -tf very nturday evening in the Church on the corner 4f Tiiird A Walnut J8i reels Cougregatlonal hurch A aVliing eyTy Sunday at 11 a and Scho -J immediately after morning er ice Prayer Meeting Thursday evening 7: 3u 71 Church Konrrh Street tween -Douglas Avenue and Walnut reireet Rev Thorn bitrgh Pator Servtet Sunday 10:34 a and 7 ba: school ar 3 Piayei- meeting Thnr day even rg Tlie Dramatic lub And Lvlic Library Association hold called met in at vnion residence TIM TABLE ISO 5 Dakota Southern Rail Road To take effect Monday December 1M 1873 JLvhg Woi Xrriag lait I STATIONS Si! ejj ra A A 11 ini 1143 vi Paco tiet tic ti on 10 3 McCook v' I''ffcrsun Klk Point Burbank vYorhiilHon Meckling Gut vl lie James River avktos elegrapli Station fLeave MKCKLING Gcn'l Sup! Fhit Arrive iiirTA vi Train Master ID FLICK PRACTICAL SURVEYOR AM Co Surveyor of llftuson Co I have had severally er exprience in this tf-ins i i Dakota and am able to give satisfaction in al raises Corrected plats the coontr and adjoining townships on file All orders left at the Fqt Office will receive prompt attan lon Office one door Nortli of Pot Office ROCK PORT Tti a Strictly Cash I LL I NE EY New Milliner! New Goods! Now Prices A MI IKNNIE A HION A BLK MiUincry and rest making EsLifJithmcnt CAPITAL STREKT One d'Mff Borlia 8t Charles Hotel Mi Dix having puuhased the entire and good will of Rrs Leo' lUriert is now constant Iv receiving all the latest styles of Mil iiuery anl Ladie Furnisliing tioods including Madame Celebs' ed Corsets th most A J0 YOU WANT A SEEDER? neceMry it it yon should bit one containing the foHowine point: it chonld evenly rextter the grain Lt ok tnd ce how the ROWELL SEEDER doc thi It but four rcttiervr Ich evenly dU-sin on the ground and is ttsble toclog or choke itp ihan seeder hsving greater number of scstiercrs smeller speriore for receiving the teed Ii is a plain fact that any farmer esn understand that the same quantity of grain will run through tonr ho m-ith morn rrtaintr thn it will throorh six or eight or nv greater rnmbcr of hole Sttnd tour tveeder tboald have a perfect djutAble ancl lip-totjth Adj unable that you may be able to place the teeth at any angle to unit soil being worked or clearing corn stalk or straw hlip toolh hat on mar he able to work grnhhy or stony ground without dngrr ff breaking injuring votrr machine The ROWKIA 8LKDER is the only one tooing this Important Invention the original genuine patent Slip-Tooth All oth-(not combining thereon onr patent mark) are infringement and the ner a well a the manufacturer are liable for damagea Third the most important point of strength required in Seeders of all machinery of thfa class is In the wheels oftentimes the 8rst sce that iniru tne Bios nd he ronvinccd It has no equal With prop- breaks down the wheels Look at onr Patent flub and Axle fa Is or ef Ki-T'h'lu1 1" rr has' ng VheHo'wELl SE KD yon are felly ptolected ag lnsl all iiabilltie Tor infringements on other machines for we build our 'n reYtso1alBPof b'nvInMwhTne tk wtlf not fail yon in aecding time" that very Important season of the year when lime is Jost uu ait: bat a dnrnhte light-draft most thorotighiy hhilt and easily operated seeder manufactured nnd one hich we fully warrant Ip give entire satisfaction in doing good work throughout as above represented Ev ry firmer shonld bny the Berner Dam Seeder Itny no other till yon see it Bead what some of our Dakota farmers say Besd Yankton County Dakota Territory Itepii i new J)i Feitimtstvr Wi levsig nytiyeO the Sp ih'nvent- iii f'hico if II M-In tyre re Mt McInty re ha prqyetl very ffisfticUry I'lltrtal aiui many will regret his resignafem ami at the anie time re j-'ifretlkt other tminess which lie regarils si imjXirtab! lias 1 leeil him to take 'il- Pep Mr if aril the uVavIv appoint I ba many ear Iveu cm i Ual iii the dill iis Cuiei an! mite ion txppx-iks no change in the ion of postal alfais-iiv tM the ibhe have the satisfaction of KE a iug that they will not btTlepriveil eomjieteneo and fimili ohy only neqoir bv long service iii th in-etiargoof the of the office by lle eh ing If we 'e to make a suggestion and "for tbi jite aceorjing to th old it would bo in the direction of a fe-ouecftly expressed wi-h that the fiiyward: inaiohing ivf tilings genera' Iv in woiffd bring wiih it an improvymeui hi the ns! office depart knent far as to give ui otflee! room especially nnd exclusively tor Sam's the jeeeptiou and delivery thereof and tor' nothiug else A ova city never becomes first-cdasS nn iii it has ihdvpf-nifent pit office The old primitive Village Font with its mercantile xunoundings will answer for small towns but is not just1 the thing for (lie Cipital Shall we move on? New Jersey paid about $90000 last year -or Legislative ttr thirteen tooth seeder purchased last Wttett two other seedeni totled I ored the Beaver Dam Seeder with perfect Decree It rk- ntfldti on sod ground or among stalks kll mr neighbors agree that the Beaver Dart The seeders I sold last season receive the legal tender rereou cca bare- been drawn XL HIX'U Until liC anuHlllt xiitYr IVtlllalile is on- I Chicago feel cohiident that in PRM ahd r' i oCALlTY OF1 tHD8 she can oxr coMPkTfTioN ly $1 A'ktOOvkl aud tLe drawing still pracocal MtlHner ahe ha few jm peri or on i AtkVUl the uth Cr loth of next I ffer rki will rhor for ftaeir: month if the present stem of disbnrsc-ineuts lasts" adds the Star the end of the f44jflOOOOO will by reached" An error lias imincd circuLtion in regard to the railway iii!) of Mr McCrary It d'e hot regulate all freights of fe es on railways engaged in inler Stale commerce It is carefreUy guarded and expressly con- fined to freights and feres between places in different States leaving all local business untouched to State control and it contains a proviso that will exempt local roods fraiui ita operation even though they pros a Bute line if their cturges are reasonable Land Loan and Insurance BS WILLIAMS CO III on Broiidwny teroiitt llom Vankton AlonlIn fipeutv bn' iegsud wiling Kje! EJate VOTES tIORTGAGKS EKTEHIXC LtXD mis tax uoin a cmacns bxxts Aa ImTutaats aa Raal Estate Ctty property aad fantag laad aoltetted tor v4-alt spring came inern-petitien with several different entire approbation of th farmers They cannot say show a the draft to ha on ly two hundred pounds threw men and tnrned a nod It Inc be wide aad Ii OABDXE1 feeders but nil ncknowltds the Vermillion County Dakota Territory CHA8 CUROIEB t4rtitiT Dakotii Territory Seeder heat them alt A 'WEIOS VcciiuioM Clij Cffonty Dakota Territory tra moeb In praiae of io The PATRICK PLOT took the tret premtoas at the nc he drop St AeaU YoafctMi BUY A BEAVER BAM (JEEDER Yon will tod them for sale by OARDWEB A CO Yankton who are also deafen In nil kinds of Kara Macbinary aad ngenla for tho fe or Whtney Broaden Seeder and aims Patrick a Premtm Breaking Plow CHAMPION OP NEBRASKA SEWING MACHINES OFFICE -4-f The onlv Plow that baa ever been tented and bras a Falrnt Uncola It was drown by.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.