Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (2024)

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (1)

This route covers forty (40) Starlight Berry Bushes.

Fun and useful fact: Starlight Berry bushes are referred to as creepers in the game files. In real life, a creeper needs a form of support, be it a tree, a power pole, or a lamp post. If you can’t find a particular bush while using this guide, keep the above information in mind, as generally, the bush will be growing at the base of a tree or power pole in the area.

To make things simple, Starlight Berries will now be referred to as SLB, for the rest of the guide.

Used for

Food and Chem Buffs

Berry Mentats

Infused Soot Flower Tea

Seared Venison w/Berries

Starlight Berry Cobbler

Sweet Blackberry Tea

Sweet Labrador Tea

Sweet Mutfruit Tea

Tasty Mutant Hound Stew

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (2)

Farming Tips and Tricks

The following perk cards, magazines, and/or backpack mods will increase your yields.

Starlight Berries have a 35% chance to spawn and are affected by your pick-up history list.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (3)

What is Verdant Season Guide

How spawns work Guide.

What plants work with Backwoodsman # 4 List.

Fixed Spawn Locations

I have done my best to provide accurate directions to every Starlight Berry bush, however, for some, you may need to refer to the photo to find them, as there is no landmark or map marker in the area to use as a point of reference.

Note: Soot flowers, Mutfruit, Fire caps, Silt Beans, and Rhododendron flowers all grow along these routes. It is worth collecting them as you are harvesting the starlight berries.

Tyler County Fairgrounds

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (4)

From the fast travel point, turn slightly left until you are in line with the green and red spaceship playground as pictured below. Run down the hill and jump on top of the spaceship. Turn until you are facing North East. The first (1)SLB bush will be on the corner of the shed, in front of you.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (5)

From the bush above, turn until you are facing the big blue trailer. Run forward and jump over or walk around the blue trailer. Keep walking forward, until you are standing next to the red dump truck trailer and the fence.

Follow the fence line around (North ish) until you get to a power pole on the corner. The next (1)SLB bush will be on the corner, at the bottom of the power pole.

From the power pole, turn and face East. Walk forward a few steps towards the yellow car for the next (1)SLB bush.

From the bush above, face North and head towards the parking lot full of cars. You can either jump the fence or walk around. Stand in the middle of the parking lot and face East. There should be a fence and a green and white striped tent in front of you. Walk forward until you are standing at the fence. At the large green dumpster, turn and face North. The next (1) SLB bush will be at the bottom of the tree directly in front of you.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (7)

Turn and face West. Walk forward until you are standing on the main road. Turn left and follow the road around towards the Tyler County Dirt track (Workshop). At the T junction, continue straight until you have the white brick wall on your left. As you walk past the white brick wall, you will see a rusty van on your right. There is a (1)SLB bush at the back of the rusty van.

Back out on the main road, with the white brick wall on your left, and walk forward a few meters until you see a truck next to a power pole on the corner. The next (1)SLB bush is at the bottom of the power pole.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (8)

Continue to follow the road West. Once you pass 4 cars on your left, there will be a large tree on the corner of the main road and a dirt road on your left. The next(1)SLB bush is at the bottom of the big tree.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (9)

Once you have harvested the berries from the last bush, keep following the main road along. At the first power pole on your left, there aretwo (2)more SLB bushes.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (10)

Anchor Farm

Fast travel to Tyler County Fairground.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (11)

From the fast travel point, turn South East and follow the road. Go past the red and yellow cars and the first (1)SLB bush is on your left at the base of the power pole near the black car.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (12)

Follow the road up, past the truck and car accident. At the bottom of the power pole on your right, is another (1)SLB bush.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (13)

Keep following the road up, until you see the turn-off to Anchor Farm. There will be an orange ute/pickup truck on your right and an APC/Tank on your left. Turn and follow the dirt road down, past the APC/tank, until you get to an open shed with an armour bench inside. Jump over the shed or walk around the shed to find the next (1)SLB bush, on the corner of the fence around the windmill.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (14)

From the bush above, turn around and run back up the dirt road. On the left-hand side of the APC/Tank, at the bottom of the power pole, on the corner, is a (1)SLB bush. From there, run across the road and hit the other (1)SLB bush at the bottom of that power pole.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (15)

Now, you guessed it, turn southeast and continue walking up the road.

The next (1)SLB bush is on your right, at the bottom of the power pole.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (16)

Further up the road, opposite a rusty ute/pickup truck, is another (1)SLB bush, at the bottom of a power pole on your right.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (17)

Keep going up the road. You will pass some crashed cars and then the road will curve. Keep following that road and keep looking at those power poles. Just past the curve in the road, the next (1)SLB bush is on your right at the bottom of the power pole.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (18)

Past the pink car, with the Blood Eagle and his dog, is another power pole on your right and another (1)SLB bush.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (19)

Keep following the road, but instead of following it around the curve, keep walking straight. You will walk past large flat grey rocks on your right, and an NPC on your left. Keep walking until you get to the radio tower at the end. There isone (1)SLB bush next to the yellow box, against the fence that is around the tower.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (20)

From there, turn around and walk back up the dirt road, toward the main road. There is another (1) SLB bush at the bottom of the power pole on your right.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (21)

Still on the dirt road, anotherone (1)SLB bush can be found at the bottom of the power pole on your right.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (22)

The next (1)SLB bush is on the corner of the dirt road and the main road, at the bottom of the power pole on your right.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (23)

By now you should be standing back on the main road, heading up to Vault 76. On the left hand side of the road, after three cars, is another (1) SLB bush, at the bottom of the power pole.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (24)

Another (1)SLB bush, at the bottom of the power pole, on your left, further up the road. There should be a car slightly in front of the power pole and could be hiding the bush from view.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (25)

While walking up the road, look for the blue car that has stopped in the middle of the road. On your left, at the bottom of the power pole, is another(1)SLB bush.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (26)

From this point, you can choose to run or to fast-travel to Vault 76.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (27)

Once you are at Vault 76, turn around so you are facing the vault. Turn East and walk forward until you are standing on the edge of the paving and the dirt path and then turn North East. You will need to walk around the edge of the rock face. Maintain a northeast direction once you have passed the rock face. Keep an eye on your left, for some ruined wooden buildings and a blue tent. Once you see them, turn and head towards them. Once you get to the ruins, head towards the main building. There will be two (2)SLB bushes out the front.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (28)

Point Pleasant

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (29)

From the fast travel point, turn and face East. There should be a power pole in front of you and a large metal power pylon in the distance. Run towards the power pylon until you hit the rock wall. At the rock face, turn North West and walk forward, looking to your left while doing so. The first (1)SLB bush is at the bottom of the tree.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (30)

From that bush, turn back around to the rock wall and either jetpack up or run around the rock face until you reach the large metal power pylon that is at the top of the rock wall. The next(1)SLB bush is on the front side of the pylon, against the concrete base.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (31)

Fast travel to Marigold Pavilion.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (32)

From the spawn-in point, run towards the building. On the left-hand side of the building is a dirt path. Follow the dirt path down, until you get to the back of the building. Keep following the path down, past the back of the building and you will see a little wooden help shelter on your left. At the shelter, face North East and you will see the next (1)SLB bush in front of you, at the bottom of a tree.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (33)

From the bush above, follow the dirt path back up towards the building and stop at the second picnic table. Turn West and walk forward until you get to a small cliff top. Looking directly West, you will see the top of a large white metal power pylon. Walk forward towards the pylon and pass a tree on your right. Stop at the top of the cliff. Turn North East and you will see the (1) SLB bush at the base of the tree in front of you.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (34)

Stand inside the SLB bush above and face South. Walk forward until you see a large gap between the rocks/cliffs on your right. Turn West and run towards the large white metal power pylon. Drop down the cliff and follow the valley down towards the large white metal power pylon. The (1)SLB bush will be on your right, just before some trees.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (35)

From the SLB bush above, face West and run towards Point Pleasant. You will drop down some small cliffs while going down the hill. As you get closer to Point Pleasant, you will see a large white metal power pylon. Adjust your route if necessary and head towards the base of the power pylon. Next to one of the concrete blocks on your right, is a (1) SLB bush.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (36)

From the above bush, stand inside the bush and face North. Take a few steps forward until you are standing in a small dirt clearing. In the dirt clearing is a log and three grey stones. Turn and face the stones and the next (1)SLB bush will be behind the stones.

From this bush, turn and face North West. Walk forward towards the road, with the large tree on your right. You will pass the next two (2)SLB bushes on your right, with the last bush being on the edge of the road.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (37)

From the last bush above, you should now be standing in the middle of the road. Turn so your back is to Point Pleasant and start walking down the road.

The next (1)SLB bush will be on the second power pole, on your right.

Continue to follow the road along, past another power pole, and the other (1)SLB bush will be at the base of a tree, behind the pile of wooden logs.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (38)

Go back out onto the main road and walk towards the truck that is parked in the middle of the road. The next (1)SLB bush is against a power pole, next to the cab of the truck.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (39)

The last SLB bush for this location is down the road. Follow the road, past the car and trailer and the 81 sign. Count the power poles, the last (1)SLB bush is behind the second power pole from the 81 sign on your right.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (40)

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries - Route 1

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries - Route 2

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries - Route 3

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries - Route 4

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries - Route 5

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries - Route 6

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Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (41)

Hi, I'm Kat or duch*ess

I'm an Australian data miner who writes farming, event, and food buff guides for Fallout 76.

I believe that all knowledge and information should be free, which is why my guides will never be locked behind a paywall. However, running a website and photo and video editing software does not come cheaply.


So, If you found my guides helpful, please consider buying me a ko-fi (coffee) using the link below.


All monies go towards the tools for writing my guides and maybe for an actual cup of coffee or 3 ;)

Alternatively, share my guides with your fellow vault dwellers and help them to survive the wasteland.

Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1 (2024)


Where to find and how to farm for Starlight Berries in Fallout 76 - Route 1? ›

Starlight berries can be harvested from starlight creeper bushes. Players have a 35% chance of successfully harvesting starlight berries from the bushes. Eighteen plants can be found in The Deep: Thirteen around the base.

How do you farm starlight berries? ›

Starlight berries can be harvested from starlight creeper bushes. Players have a 35% chance of successfully harvesting starlight berries from the bushes. Eighteen plants can be found in The Deep: Thirteen around the base.

Where to get Berry Mentats in Fallout 76? ›

Randomly bought from scavenger traders, Molly (Cautious), Doc Stanley or MODUS medical terminal. Randomly looted from medkits, footlockers and metal boxes. Randomly dropped by high-level feral ghouls.

Where can I find firecracker berries in Fallout 76? ›

Firecracker berries are primarily found in the Savage Divide, heavily concentrated in the southern half. There is also a large quantity around Arktos Pharma (mainly north/northeast).

Where to harvest starlight berries in Fallout 76? ›

Where to Get Starlight Berries
Forest - Slocum JoeBehind the diner.
Forest - Slocum JoeIn the backyard of a house south of the diner, behind a dog house.
Forest/Savage Divide - The DeepUnderground map. Starlight Creepers surround the central base and the western cave exit.
2 more rows
Apr 9, 2024

How do you farm glow berries? ›

To farm glow berries in Minecraft, you first need to get one in a Lush Cave or loot one from a chest. You can then place the berry on the bottom of any block and it'll grow into a cave vine and extend downwards until it reaches another block or it's growth limit. Bonemeal also helps cave vines sprout glow berries.

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One in a locker in the storage section on level three of Vault 13. One can be found on a shelf in Killian's room in the Darkwaters. Sold by Mitch in the Hub.

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  1. Take a right and head through the door.
  2. Follow the path to reach a dead end at a room with a large set of blue machinery. One of these machines is a computer terminal that you can hack to shut off the laser grid below.
  3. If you don't have the Hacking skill level to break through, you can force a system restart.

What are the rarest items in Fallout 76? ›

The Red Asylum Uniform is one of the rarest outfits in the game. There are multiple variants of the Asylum Worker Uniforms, but the red one is by far the most valuable. The Red Asylum Uniform can spawn in three places. All of which are located on the third floor inside of Fort Defiance.

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Legendary enemies will drop a legendary weapon or armor piece when they are killed. If the enemy is a 1-star enemy, then it will drop a 1-star item. Players will want to keep an eye out for 3-star enemies as they will drop the best legendary items. Players can find legendary enemies roaming around the map.

How do you farm berries in Ark? ›

Berries are gathered primarily from bushes on the ground and bamboo. Using Berry seeds, Berries can be grown in crop plots, which can give you up to 300 berries per harvest. Berries can be gathered faster using an animal such as a Bronto, Trike, Ankylo, or Stego.

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Best Farming Route for Berries

Although a Berry can be found almost anywhere, the Starfell Valley area in the Mondstadt region is the easiest place to get a lot of Berries in one go. This is the best place to go to if you need Berries for the Marvelous Merchandise event.

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When you go up to an empty bit of Soil, you get the choice to plant a berry. After you have planted it, you will have to check up on it in order to keep the soil from drying. This can be done using the Psyduck Pail (4th gen), orWailmer Pail (3rd gen).

How do you farm sweet berries? ›

Walk up to a fully-mature bush, hit the “use” key and you'll get 2-3 berries (or more with a fortune enchantment). Wait a while for the bush to regrow and you can harvest them again. Better still, take the berries back home and plant them in grass, dirt, podzol, or farmland to grow a sweet berry bush of your very own.

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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Author information

Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.